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Short master programmes


First- or second-level Masters courses are awarded with a minimum of 60 credits and last a minimum of one year. University Master's Courses may be organised by the University in collaboration with public or private entities but always aimed at responding to training demands that have been identified as actually existing in the country. 
Starting from the academic year 2013/2014 the Master's courses are managed by the departmental structures and those relating to the medical area by the Office for Relations with the NHS.

Unimore Master A.Y. 2024-2025

See active first-level Master's degrees.

See active second-level Master's degrees.



Master's degree for the academic year 2023/2024


First-level Master's degreeplacesdeadline
FOOD & WINE TOURISM - Interaction with the University of Parma, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, University of Ferrara2005/06/2024
Sport System Management - inter-university with the University of San Marino2506/12/2'23
Histopathological techniques in pathological anatomy1506/09/2023
Techniques for the Re-education of Specific Learning Disorders - Interateneo with the Univ. degli Studi of the Republic of San Marino (administrative seat)35 
Treasury and Financial Management2513/02/2024
Expert in health, safety and environment in private and public workplaces - HSE management3525/09/2024
Second-level master's degreeplacesdeadline
Development, Manufacturing and Autdorization of Biopharmaceuticals 1618/09/2023
Management of chemicals - REACH and CLP2505/02/2024
Ceramic Enterprise and Technology (Interateneo with Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna)2514/09/2023
Early and simultaneous palliative care in onco-haematology and internal medicine: the clinic, communication, quality of life1216/06/2023
One Health: environmental and health sustainability of food production50 
Prosthetics and Implant Prosthetics: Traditional and Digital Technologies2011/01/2024
Public & Digital History for Cultural Heritage3030/11/2023
Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment of Specific Learning Disorders - Interateneo with the Univ. of San Marino (adm. seat)35