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Unimore App

Mano che regge un telefono con App Unimore

Download the official app of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia designed to facilitate access to services and information from mobile devices.

UNIMORE APP is the free official mobile application of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, available for Android and iOS devices. This app is designed to offer easy access to the university's services and information, in order to simplify students' lives.

The app's homepage allows users to customize their experience by adding icons for the services they are interested in. Key features include:

  • Profile: Displays personal information such as name, student number, and other useful details about the degree program.
  • Exam Calendar: Shows bookable and booked exams and allows for cancellations.
  • Exam Results Notice Board: Allows users to consult exam grades and choose to accept or reject them.
  • Booklet: Displays passed and scheduled exams with details like name, date, CFUs, and grade.
  • Dashboard: Shows the total number of credits achieved.

Additionally, UNIMORE APP provides access to news published on the university's homepage and official social media profiles, keeping users updated on events. The app's public version also allows non-students to access information about the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

A notable feature of this app is the virtual badge, which students can use to prove their enrollment at the university. The digital badge, accessible on a smartphone, serves as a practical replacement for the traditional magnetic badge. It can be used as an identification document for accessing university libraries and includes all necessary information such as name, matriculation number, and department. This virtual badge is a convenient and secure alternative to the traditional one, as it eliminates the risk of loss or damage and is always available on the student's smartphone. Moreover, it can be updated in real-time with the latest student information, ensuring accuracy.

UNIMORE APP is a complete and detailed mobile application offering many useful services and information for students. Download it now from the major app stores.

*Note: Students are still required to use the magnetic badge in all situations where the virtual one cannot be used (e.g., to clock in/out for those carrying out the 150 hours, access to laboratories and rooms where training activities take place). 

The Unimore app is available at the following links:

iOs version (iPhone e iPad)

Android version

QRcode AppleQRcode Android

Unimore Calendar App

Download the app to always be updated on your Unimore life. The Unimore Calendar App is available for download at the following links: