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State examinations for the authorisation to practise professions normally take place every year in two sessions. Only after the qualification has been obtained is it possible to enrol in the corresponding Professional Register. 
The State examinations are called, for each year, by Ordinance (OM) of the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), published in the Official Gazette of the Republic.

The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is the seat of the State examinations for qualification to practice the following professions:

professions regulated by Decree No. 445 of 19 October 2001, DM 58/2018 and subsequent ministerial decrees

professions regulated by Legislative Decree no. 139 of 28 June 2005

professions regulated by Presidential Decree No 328 of 5 June 2001

other professions not regulated by Presidential Decree No 328 of 5 June 2001

Supplementary examinations for the purpose of registration in the register of statutory auditors. Qualification regulated by Ministry of Justice Decree No. 103 of 4 May 2016. 

For more information

via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena 
See opening hours