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University QA Documents, Legislation and Useful Links


ANVUR is the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research, set up to rationalise the system for assessing the quality of the activities of universities and public and private research bodies receiving public funding, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of state funding and incentive programmes for research and innovation activities.

The Self-Assessment - Evaluation - Accreditation Cycle

AVA3 Guidelines 2023 

ANVUR Normative References

National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research - ANVUR

National Anticorruption Authority - ANAC

Conference of Italian University Rectors - CRUI

Inter-University Consortium AlmaLaurea

Conference of General Managers of University Administrations - CODAU

National University Council - CUN

European University Association - EUA

National Institute of Statistics - ISTAT

Ministry of University and Research - MUR
