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Foreign qualification

Entry requirements and enrolment in Unimore courses for students with foreign qualifications

The procedure for enrolling in a three-year degree course, single-cycle Master's degree or two-year Master's degree course, by holders of a foreign qualification, is different depending on whether they are

  • a non-EU citizen residing abroad
  • an EU or non-EU citizen residing in Italy
Course structure

For each academic year, a number of places reserved for non-EU students living abroad are determined for each degree and master's degree course.

I am a non-EU citizen resident abroad: what do I have to do to enrol in a Unimore study course?

Bachelor's, Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree courses may be open access or degree programmes. Then follow the next steps.

check on the Educational Offer page whether the degree course you have chosen is open access or with planned access. 
If the degree course  you wish to enrol in is a Bachelor's degree (Bachelor or Combined Bachelor and Master's degree) with open access, go to STEP 3
. If the degree course you wish to enrol in has programmed access, consult the call for applications, which sets out specific admission requirements, deadlines for submitting an application, dates of the admission test (if applicable), etc.

FOR FREE ACCESS MAJOR DEGREES ONLY: proceed as soon as possible to register on the portal to obtain your access credentials. Fill in the application form to assess your qualification and knowledge. Each open-access Master's degree course publishes a call for applications specifying the enrolment procedures, the documents to be attached and the deadlines for submitting the application; check the call for admission to your Master's degree course carefully.

Fill in the 'pre-enrolment application' online on the UNIVERSITALY website.   
The documents to be attached in PDF on the Universitaly site are:


Original final qualification from secondary school, obtained with at least 12 years of schooling, or a replacement certificate for all legal purposes, possibly translated and legalised. Further information on valid qualifications can be found here: and diploma in original or certified copy, possibly translated and legalised
Declaration of the value of the qualification issued by the Italian diplomatic representation or the Attestato Di Comparabilità(*) issued by the CIMEA (Italian ENIC-NARIC centre), if already possessedDeclaration of the value of the qualification issued by the Italian diplomatic representation or the Attestato Di Comparabilità(*) issued by the CIMEA (Italian ENIC-NARIC centre), if already possessed
If required, a certificate attesting to having passed any academic aptitude test that may be required for access to the university in the country of origin (Selectividad in Spain, Prova de Aferiçao or Prova General de Acesso ao Ensino Superior in Portugal, etc.) or passing the minimum score if required (e.g. Gaokao for China).Degree certificate with list of subjects passed, issued by the university where the degree was obtained, possibly translated and legalised (English is also accepted) or Diploma supplement; 
For those who have not yet obtained a degree, it is necessary to enclose a certificate of enrolment indicating the degree to be obtained, the years of enrolment and the list of subjects passed.
Certification of knowledge of the Italian language (at least level B2), if requiredCertification of knowledge of the Italian language (at least level B2), if required
Close-up colour photo of faceClose-up colour photo of face
Valid passportValid passport

(*) paid service. Further information on the Certificate of Comparability is available at UNIMORE accepts either the Declaration of Value issued free of charge with the Study Visa, or the Certificate of Comparability issued by CIMEA (Italian ENIC-NARIC centre) for a fee of about 150 euros.

 Once you have completed your pre-enrolment application, the Student Secretariat will evaluate the documentation you have uploaded on the Universitaly 
website and if any document is missing, it will send you an email. If you have passed the Italian language test and the documents are complete, the application will be validated on the Universitaly website and sent to the indicated Italian Embassy or Consulate.

ATTENTION!!! Students admitted to PROGRAMMED ACCESS STUDY COURSES may be required to pay an admission fee or deposit to be paid through the PagoPa system (as indicated in the announcement).

Once the pre-enrolment application has been completed, all candidates must apply to the Italian diplomatic-consular Representation in their country of residence for a study visa: All visa procedures must be completed by 30 November 2024.

Passing the Italian language test except in the case of exemptions. For some courses it is also possible to take the Italian language test remotely and as early as May.

Starting in July, you can apply for scholarships, accommodation or other benefits even if you have not yet matriculated, taken the entrance test, been assessed or admitted. You must apply at to request accommodation, reduced tuition fees or scholarships.

UNIMORE REGISTRATION Only after you have obtained your Study Visa and the Declaration of Value or Certificate of Comparability issued by CIMEA, the Student secretariat will be able to enrol you and will give you all the information you need to pay the first instalment of enrolment fees. Once the payment has been made, in order to make your enrolment definitive, you will have to deliver the following documents to the Student secretariat:

  • all documents issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate;
  • the receipt for the residence permit application, issued by the Post Office;
  • a passport photo;
  • passport with a student visa;
  • other documents issued by Unimore, if any.
Enrolling in a single-cycle degree course in Medicine

Enrolment in the admission tests for Master's degree courses in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics is carried out according to the procedures active on the portal Enrolment for the online test by the student is not subject to the preliminary start of university pre-enrolment procedures at the diplomatic-consular Representations, which must, however, be started and formalised, in the prescribed manner, no later than the deadlines established by the calendar for the procedures for enrolment on nationally-scheduled degree and master's degree courses, the tests for which take place in September 2021, unless otherwise indicated in the future in connection with the COVID 19 emergency.

Read more about the enrolment procedure for single-cycle Master's degrees in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics.

EU or non-EU citizens resident in Italy with foreign educational qualifications

European Union citizens, wherever they reside, and non-European Union citizens legally residing in Italy, are admitted without quota restrictions. If you hold a foreign qualification, please contact the Student secretariat of the degree course you wish to enrol in by e-mail, who will give you all the information you need. You do NOT have to apply on the Universitaly website.

Remember that Bachelor Degree, Single-cycle Master Degree or Master Degree courses may be open access or with programmed access. For courses with programmed access and for Master's degree courses with free access, announcements are published in which the admission requirements, application procedures, deadlines, etc. are indicated....
 Follow the above procedure starting from STEP 1.
ATTENTION!!! As an EU or non-EU citizen resident in Italy, you must NOT submit an application on the Universitaly website (STEP 2, therefore, must not be considered).

The documents to be handed in to the Student secretariat for registration are:

  1. the original secondary school diploma or the original degree certificate, translated and with confirmation of authenticity. The authenticity of foreign degrees and certificates must be confirmed in one of the following ways:
  2. documentation on the value of the title such as:
    • Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was obtained


  • Diploma Supplement drawn up according to the European Commission model, for academic qualifications awarded by countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process), signed and legalised;


Certificate of comparability issued by CIMEA - Italian ENIC-NARIC centre

3. Certificate of successful completion of any academic aptitude test that may be required for access to the university of the country in which the qualification is awarded (Selectividad in Spain, Prova de Aferiçao o Prova General de Acesso ao Ensino Superior in Portugal, etc.), only if required;

4. Copy of residence permit for non-EU citizens residing in Italy;

5. a valid identity document and a passport photo;

6. other documents issued by Unimore, if any.

More information
  • Operational Guides
    See Online Procedure Guides
  • Technical 
    problems For problems with the functioning of online procedures, please contact:
  • General 
    information For information, please contact the Modena and Reggio Emilia INFORMASTUDENTS