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Support Office for students with disabilities and Specific Learnig Disorders


Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) can request additional support from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and ER-GO (the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education). This includes supplementary interventions beyond any existing provisions, whether financial or in the form of customized support services tailored to their specific needs.

These interventions may include services for welcoming and integrating into the academic environment, transportation, accommodation in specially equipped university facilities, teaching support such as IT and technological aids, peer and teaching tutors, career and study methodology consultations, text digitization, access to specialized laboratories, mediation for international mobility, Italian Sign Language (LIS) interpreting, and mediation between teachers and students.

For more information, please visit the Support Service for Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders website.

Rector's Delegates for Disability and SLD

Prof. Elisabetta Genovese 

Dr. Giacomo Guaraldi

Support service for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders:

  • Support service for students with disabilities (Modena headquarters) Tel: 059 205 8311 Email:
  • Support service for students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) (Modena headquarters) Tel: 059 205 8311 Email:
  • Support service for students with disabilities (Reggio Emilia headquarters) Tel: 0522 52 3506 Email:
  • Support service for students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) (Reggio Emilia headquarters) Tel: 0522 52 3506 Email:


Presentation Video of Unimore Support service for students with disabilities and SLD