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Doctoral Research Programmes


The PhD courses provide the necessary skills to carry out highly qualified research activities in public and private entities, as well as qualifying also in the exercise of the liberal professions, contributing to the realisation of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.

European Social Fund Plus - ESF+
Loghi Fondo Sociale Europeo

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Calls for admission and rankings
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Calls for admission

PhDs - Cycle XL - Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration three years - Start of courses 1 November 2024

Automotive engineering for intelligent mobility (Headquarters: University of Bologna) See notice of the University of Bologna
Clinical and experimental medicine (CEM) - Clinical and experimental medicine2126/07/2024 13:0006/09/2024
Computer and data science for technological and social innovation926/07/2024 13:0030/08/2024
Reading education, effects and benefits of reading and reading aloud (Administrative Office: University of Perugia) See notice of the University of Perugia
Health innovative products and technologies (HIP-TECH)926/07/2024 13:0029/08/2024
Humanities, technology and society626/07/2024 13:0005/09/2024
Information and communication technologies (ICT)2426/07/2024 13:0004/09/2024
Civil, environmental and materials engineering - Civil, environmental and materials engineering1326/07/2024 13:0030/08/2024
Industrial Innovation Engineering1226/07/2024 13:0002/09/2024
Mechanical and vehicle engineering1126/07/2024 13:0006/09/2024
Work, development and innovation1726/07/2024 13:0029/08/2024
Learning sciences and digital technologies (National Doctorate)3702/08/2024 13:00 
Mathematics (Administrative seat: University of Ferrara) See notice of the University of Ferrara
Models and methods for material and environmental sciences1126/07/2024 13:0028/08/2024
Molecular and regenerative medicine426/07/2024 13:00 
Neuroscience726/07/2024 13:0006/09/2024
Physics and nano sciences1126/07/2024 13:0002/09/2024
Reggio childhood studies726/07/2024 13:0006/09/2024
Legal sciences (Administrative seat: University of Parma) See notice of the University of Parma
Humanities: linguistic-literary studies, historical-philosophical disciplines, communication and digital culture1326/07/2024 13:0004/09/2024
Agri-food science, technology and biotechnology1226/07/2024 13:0029/08/2024
Religious Studies (National Doctorate)3026/07/2024 13:00 
Autonomous systems Bari Polytechnic 38° - 39° - 40°
BiodiversitUniversity of Palermo 39° - 40°
Gender studies University of Bari 39° - 40° 
Heritage science La Sapienza' University of Rome 38° - 39°
Image, language, figure. Forms and modes of mediation University of Milan39°
Artificial Intelligence University of Pisa 37° - 38° - 39° - 40° 
Precision medicine University of Palermo39° - 40° 
Micro- and Nano electronics University of Pavia 38° - 39° - 40°
Earth observation La Sapienza' University of Rome 38° - 39° 
Peace Studies La Sapienza' University of Rome 40° 
Polar science Ca' Foscari' University of Venice 39° - 40° 
Robotics and intelligent machines University of Genoa 38° - 39° 
Cultural heritage sciences Tor Vergata' University of Rome 39° - 40° 
Sustainable development and climate change IUSS University College Pavia 37° - 38° - 39° - 40° 
Theoretical and applied neurosciences University of Camerino 38° - 39° - 40°
For further information

via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena
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