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Vision and mission

Organigramma dipartimenti

Since its origins dating back to 1175, the University represented the cornerstone of scientific, cultural and social life and, albeit with alternating fortunes linked to local political changes over the centuries, the University has gradually expanded to become a multidisciplinary, active and dynamic university

With around 30,000 students enrolled in Level I, II and III courses of study and over 1,400 teaching, research and technical-administrative staff, Unimore is one of the largest universities in the world. It is organised as a network of sites (Modena and Reggio Emilia) and consists of 13 Departments and 2 Faculties/Schools, in addition to the cities of Mantua and Carpi (accredited degree course sites), as well as interdepartmental centres located in the two provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where teaching, research, third mission and related support activities and technology transfer services are carried out. 


Unimore looks to the future as a 'research university' capable of developing new knowledge, fostering its students’ sense of individualized development, discovery, creativity and innovation, as well as opening up to the European context with a growing presence in teaching and research networks. Within this plan, students are also permanent interlocutors on an institutional level. Unimore intends to combine innovative research in many areas of cultural, scientific and technological relevance, with a high standard of teaching that is attentive to the expectations of the business world, open to technological evolution, and capable of integrating basic and highly specialised skills to promote sustainability, public health and social and inclusive development, with the aim of training people capable of contributing with ideas and a critical spirit to plan and implement concrete actions for a better society. Considering its strong roots in the territory, Unimore works to fully exploit its potential, attracting and retaining skills that are crucial for the economy and for the entire social and cultural composition. Unimore strongly believes that "quality" is the key word for a sustainable future and, with this in mind, intends to invest in talent, technology, infrastructure, research, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and digitalisation to develop and strengthen its areas of expertise in key sectors including agri-food, automotive and sustainable mobility, clean energy, building and construction, territorial safety, health and promotion of well-being, culture and creativity, services and social inclusion. 



The territory where Unimore operates has a long tradition of progressive growth and it’s distinguished for being strongly resilient, having very high quality of life indicators as well as a growing attention to development prospects even at an international level. In such a dynamic external context, the University is committed to fulfilling its institutional role through its ties and interaction with political, social and cultural institutions and with organization in production and service sectors. In order to strengthen the quality and sustainability of its choices, Unimore pays particular attention to the continuous improvement of its 

organisational ecosystem by maintaining a constant relationship between students, teaching and research staff and technical-administrative staff, and by supporting concrete initiatives in the areas of not only inclusiveness, anti-discrimination, cultural proliferation, improvement of its infrastructures, development of research, services, internationalisation, progressive energy requalification but also promotion of the wellbeing of those who work in the academic structures. In order to build a University ready to respond to the challenges posed by the Agenda 2030, Unimore pursues its educational, research, and third mission by identifying its objectives within a Strategic Plan that sees Unimore as a place of opportunity and as an example of a community open to knowledge and to the development of individuals and the community. Through its Educational Mission, Unimore acts both as a place of individual development and growth, and as a centre of both theoretical and practical bodies of knowledge offering content capable of intersecting the main trajectories of innovation and responding to the widespread demand for highly qualified professionals. Within this framework are Degree and Doctorate Courses characterised by highly qualified cultural and professional profiles, consistent with the needs and development prospects of society and the labour market, responding to innovation and internationalisation criteria, in compliance with the requirements of quality, inclusion and sustainability. As far as Research is concerned, the University supports the activity and appeal of its departments and centres, as well as the quality and adequacy of the number of researchers committed to sustaining and strengthening the cultural and scientific vitality of the University's various academic and disciplinary areas. Unimore pursues this mission by increasing financial and personnel resources, by strengthening laboratory infrastructure and instrumentation dedicated to research and by sharing this commitment with the local context in order to encourage investment and contribute to the growth of cultural and technological competitiveness. In the area of Third Mission, Unimore encourages circulating and leveraging the results of scientific research, fosters technology transfer from a system perspective and in an innovative and participatory manner, involving citizens and civil society, institutional actors, businesses and social and third sector organisations. Strengthening Public Engagement activities, developing attention to life-long and continuous development for a conscious and sustainable career growth, enhancing the University's museum and archival heritage, as well as broadening activities in the biomedical field and protecting public health are fundamental elements which allows Unimore to contribute to the cultural, economic and social growth of the territory.