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Welcome and listening desk


The Welcome and Listening Desk is a service aimed at all staff, structured and unstructured, of the University who experience situations of organizational malaise, work-related stress or bullying.

To whom it is addressed

The Help Desk, promoted within the broader project on Organizational Wellbeing in the University, is aimed at all teaching, research and technical-administrative staff who experience situations of psychological malaise, discomfort in the organizational context, and work-related stress in the workplace and need useful support to cope with them and also to prevent situations related to bullying. The situations that are generally addressed by the desk are: 
Difficulties in adapting to the organizational context; 
- Anxiety blocks and difficulties in concentrating at work; 
- Demotivation 
- Difficulties in managing stress 
- Psychological distress of various kinds (anxiety, depressed mood, social phobia, panic attacks) related to the work 
environment - Relational difficulties in the work environment


The Reception and Listening Desk intends to provide, through a completely free service, psychological counseling and support through the activation of individual interviews in complete confidentiality. The problems presented will be examined in depth in order to identify possible interventions or solutions, including organizational ones.


Responsible Psychologist

The Welcome and Listening Desk is supervised by Prof. Federico RICCI, Occupational Psychologist

The first interview will be conducted according to the following schedule 1
. information on the purpose and mode of service; 2
. completion of privacy form; 3
. brief collection of personal data; 4
. spontaneous narration of distress.


Locations and addresses

To make an appointment 
- call: 331 668 5379 or 
- send an email to:

During this emergency period, interviews will take place electronically (via Skype, Google Meet or similar). 
 After the emergency period is over, meetings may be held at the following locations.

seat of MODENA" Rector's Office, 4 University Street, fourth floor 
c/o Prevention and Protection Service
REGGIO EMILIA office" Palazzo Dossetti, Via Antonio Allegri 9 c/o Reggio Emilia Prorector's Office 
" De Santis Pavilion, San Lazzaro Subdivision, Via Giovanni Amendola 2