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Emeritus professors


"Retired professors may be granted the title of professor emeritus or honorary professor pursuant to Article 111 of the Consolidated Law on Higher Education approved by Royal Decree No. 1592 of August 31, 1933."

Through the institution of Professor Emeritus, the Universities intend to recognize selected professors, with academic careers as full professors for at least 20 years, who have particularly distinguished and established themselves in their respective disciplines, with the merit of being able to continue their attendance at the facilities from which they came and to continue research activities.

Behind the awarding of emeritus status lies, therefore, the desire not to deprive figures who have contributed through their activities to the growth and notoriety of Unimore in Italy and around the world and to have launched established schools of study and research. The conferral of this title, an honorary privilege that is equivalent to the highest academic degree as the final recognition of a career of particular and proven prestige, is a tribute to colleagues who have been authentic "masters" in their field.