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Before leaving home, it is advisable to gather information on the Italian laws on residence.  
EU and non-EU (please refer to the detailed country list) researchers and visiting professors who plan to stay in Italy for no more than 90 days do not need to request a Visa for research purposes.


Researchers/Visiting Professors with EU citizenship

If you come from one EU Member State, EEA country or from Switzerland, and you wish to come to Italy to carry out a research project, you must be aware that there are some formalities to be completed in order to enter and stay in Italy.

For periods up to three months, EU/EEA or Swiss nationals and their family members (also EU nationals) are allowed to travel freely and stay in Italy and in other countries of the European Union with no need to comply with any formalities or meet special requirements (you will only need to bring with you a valid ID). 

If you are going to stay in Italy for more than 90 days, pursuant to Leg. Decree no.30 of 6/2/2007 (application of Directive 2004/38/EC) you must register at "Anagrafe cittadini temporaneamente presenti (Register of temporarily present population)" at the office "Ufficio Anagrafe (Registry office)" of the Municipality in the city you live in. This will replace the residence in your home country. 

How to register as temporary population in MODENA

If you stay in Italy for more than 90 days, you are required to register as "Temporary population (Popolazione temporanea)" with the "Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe)" of the municipality where you intend to live. You must:

  1. Fill in and print the form "Richiesta temporanei comunitari" that can also be downloaded from the website of the Modena Registry Office;
  2. Buy a €16.00 revenue stamp (marca da bollo) at a tobacconist’s and apply it on the form;
  3. Write the date of submission of the application to the Registry Office of the municipality: the date can be written in the blank space between the revenue stamp and the paper;
  4. Send the form with the required documents to the email address:  

    Documents to attach (in pdf format):  
    1. Identity Card (front and back sides) or passport;  
    2. The contract signed with UNIMORE;  
    3. Front and back sides of the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or private health insurance of at least 1 year of validity;  
    4. Accommodation contract or a document proving that the Applicant has an accommodation;  
    5. "Dichiarazione di possesso delle risorse economiche", that is the declaration stating that the Applicant has the economic funds to cover his/her staying period in Italy, duly filled in that they can also find on the website of Modena Registry Office.

In order to receive the Certificate of registration as temporary population, you will be required to pay € 16.50 through the PagoPA system. The certificate will be sent by email within 30 days from the request.

How to register as temporary population in REGGIO EMILIA

If you stay in Italy for more than 90 days, you are required to register as temporary population (Popolazione temporanea) with the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) of the municipality where you intend to live. You must:

  1. Fill in the form "Richiesta di attestazione di iscrizione anagrafica di Cittadino dell'Unione Europea (Request for proof of registration as European Union Citizen)" also available on the website of Reggio Emilia Registry Office;
  2. Send the form to the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) of the municipality of Reggio Emilia;  

    Documents to attach (in pdf format):  
    1. Valid Identity Card (front and back sides) or passport;  
    2. Contract signed with UNIMORE;  
    3. Front and back sides of the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or private health insurance of at least 1 year of validity.

Researchers/Visiting Professors with non-EU citizenship

Visa and permit of stay for scientific research purposes

Pursuant to the Council Directive 2005/71/EC (12/10/ 2005), researchers coming from non- EU countries are entitled to stay in an EU Member State longer than 3 months in order to carry out research works only within the framework of a Hosting Agreement (Convenzione di Accoglienza) with a research body.

Based on the new procedure, a researcher coming to Italy may have any of these three contract types:  
- Self employment  
- Subordinate  
- Grant for research training  
The duration of the permit of stay covers the whole research period declared in the Hosting Agreement. According to the new procedure, you will be entitled to enter Italy with a Visa for scientific research purposes. Once in Italy, you must apply for a permit of stay for scientific research which entails the same procedure for self employment, subordinate or grant for research training. The researcher will be able to start research activities after submitting the application, awaiting to receive the permit of stay.

What is the Hosting Agreement? 

The Hosting Agreement describes the working conditions offered to the researcher. In particular, it specifies the length and type of contract (self employment, subordinate, grant for research training), and the amount of the monthly salary (which has to be twice the social allowance – € 5,617.32 for the year 2022).


Tax Code (codice fiscale) for EU and Non-EU citizens

It is an individual tax identification number that identifies citizens in their relations with public bodies and administrations. It is made of 16 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers identifying your personal data: last name, first name, gender, place and date of birth).

It is requested for all sorts of procedures: to sign a rental agreement, to open an Italian bank account, to renew the permit of stay, to activate an Italian mobile SIM card. You can contact the International Welcome Desk well before your arrival and ask for support to get your individual tax code in due time (see the bottom of the page).


Health care insurance - EU/EEA citizens

If you are a citizen of an EU Member State or EEA country or you are of Swiss nationality, you should have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC, Italian acronym: TEAM) obtained in your home country from your national health authority. 
With that card, you are automatically covered in all EU-member countries.

Before leaving, please make sure that you hold an EHIC. If you do not have one, go to the competent Health Institution in your country to ask for an extension of your health insurance coverage to Italy.

What are the benefits of accessing the SSN – Servizio Sanitario Nazionale? 

Being registered with the SSN entitles you to the same benefits as Italian citizens. In particular, the SSN provides:   
- Hospitalisation and treatment (including tests, surgical operation and medication during hospitalisation);     
- Basic medical care;       
- Specialist medical care by pediatricians, midwives and other specialist doctors;          
- Medication at a discounted price;     
- Laboratory tests, medical aids and devices;          
- Ambulance service and other free services provided by the local healthcare authority (e.g. family planning clinics). 

People covered by the SSN are entitled to either free or subsidised medication. Any inpatient treatment, i.e. any hospitalisation is free and covered by the national healthcare system.

If you stay in Italy less than 3 months

In general, citizens of EU Member States, EEA countries or Switzerland in possession of the EHIC are covered only for emergencies and medical care by a general practitioner (family doctor). A patient contribution is required for prescriptions, medical examinations, oral and dental care.

Please note that if you stay in Italy less than 3 months you are not entitled to register with the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN). If you need medical assistance, you can contact the local health authorities (Azienda Sanitaria Locale - ASL) and SSN hospitals.

If you stay in Italy for more than 3 months

In Italy with a work contract (IRPEF tax included)

If you stay in Italy for a period longer than 3 months and you have a work contract with IRPEF tax, you can register with the SSN by submitting your application at Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale - AUSL. In order to be registered with the SSN you must first apply for the residence (residenza) and regular stay with the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) at the city hall where you intend to reside.

During the first 3 months of your stay, the Hosting country cannot force you to move your residence from your home country. After the first 3 months of your stay, the Hosting country can require you to move your residence and to prove that you meet the requirements.

In Italy with an IRPEF tax free contract

If you have an IRPEF (Imposta Reddito Persone Fisiche) tax free contract, you are not entitled to be registered with the SSN. In this case you have 2 opportunities:

  1. You can get a private health insurance policy which covers all risks 
  2. You can stay in Italy with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC, Italian acronym: TEAM).

The EHIC remains valid for the length of the stay in Italy (only if you do not move your permanent residency from your country to Italy).


Citizens from countries with bilateral agreements

You can benefit from the same health insurance from the National Health Service thanks to the specific health certificates released by the Health Services Institutions of your country. Please find below a list of the countries and their health certificates:

  • Australia – Medicare Card (valid for 6 months after the start of your stay in Italy)
  • Brazil - I/B 2 Certificate
  • Croatia – 111 Certificate
  • Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro – OBR7 Certificate
  • Principality of Monaco – I/MC 8 Certificate
  • Republic of San Marino – I/SMAR 8 Certificate


These certificates have to be delivered to the Health District before applying for health care. The Health District in turn will give you a specific certificate that will be useful anytime you need health care. These forms do not cover the costs of private health care, but allow you to obtain emergency health services, especially during your stay in Italy, in the public health centers. If you need planned health care, you need to have a specific Certificate released by your country. As an alternative to all the certificates cited above, you can voluntarily subscribe to the Regional Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Regionale - SSR).


Health insurance - Non-EU/EEA citizens or Swiss nationality researchers

In general, Non-EU/EEA or Swiss researchers who want to live, study and/or work in Italy, must know that they are obliged to have a health insurance that covers them in case of sickness, accident and pregnancy. Therefore there are three options:

  1. Purchasing a private health insurance valid in Italy before leaving
  2. Registering with the Italian SSN - National Health Service (on a voluntary basis or compulsory if you have a work contract)  
  3. Purchasing a private health insurance in Italy from a national insurance company

What type of contract do you have? 

In general, a researcher coming to Italy may have one of these three contract types:  
- Self-employed  
- Subordinate  
- Grant for research training  
If you have a contract as self-employed or subordinate (i.e. employee), then you will register with the SSN. If you have a "grant for research training" contract you will have the right to voluntarily register with the SSN by paying an annual fee that is calculated on the basis of the income you have earned the previous year. The annual fee is calculated by applying:

  • ● The rate of 7.50% for incomes up to € 20.658,27.
  • ● The rate of 4% for incomes between € 20.658,27 and € 51.645,69.
  • ● In any case, the amount cannot be lower than € 2000.
  • ● The fee of € 2000 does not cover any dependent family members.

Registration is based on a calendar year (e.g. from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022) and reduced quotas for shorter periods are not available.



Italian Social Security System

The Italian Social Security System provides a wide range of benefits including old-age pensions and disability benefits. The amount of benefits depends on the contributions made and the period they were made for.

The Italian Social Welfare System offers all people working in Italy (EU citizens or workers from outside the EU), whether they are employed, self-employed, professionals or entrepreneurs, the opportunity to obtain the following benefits by paying national insurance contributions:

  • - Illness and maternity leave
  • - Unemployment benefit
  • - Mobility benefit
  • - Family allowances
  • - Pensions

These benefits obviously depend on whether the person concerned has a permit of stay or residence papers. A general scheme managed by the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) covers the majority of workers.


What about Social Security contributions?

In Italy there are two types of contributions to be paid:

  • Compulsory contributions: Employees and their employers, as well as self-employed people, make compulsory contributions based on a percentage of the worker's earnings. All the necessary formalities should be completed by the employer.
  • Voluntary contributions: People who are not subject to compulsory contributions and who meet the required qualifying conditions may make voluntary contributions to the Italian system in order to be entitled to future benefits.

Are you employed or hold a fellowship by a university?

For employed workers, semi-subordinate workers and students holding a fellowship by an Italian university, compulsory contributions are calculated on the basis of the salary received, according to the contribution rates set by law. During their employment, workers pay contributions to the ordinary INPS fund, the other two categories (semi-subordinate workers and students holding a fellowship) pay contributions through the separate management "gestione separata" (two-third of these contributions are paid by the employer and one-third by the worker. The entire amount, including the proportion paid by the worker, is transferred by the employer to INPS).

Aggregation or accumulation of contribution at international level (only for non EU countries with bilateral agreements with Italy)

Within bilateral conventions, you can submit your pension application either in your country of residence or in the country where you have worked. In order to simplify the procedures, the pension application can be submitted to the national social security authority of your country of residence and be considered valid in the other country of the agreement. It will then be up to the organisation of the country where you have filed your application to get in touch with the pension Institution of the other country. The application form is bilingual (in Italian and in the language of the other country of the agreement) and provided by the foreign social security organisation. It must be filled in with your personal data and information on the insured periods.


Bilateral agreements against Double Taxation

Foreign researchers residing in a country that has signed an agreement with Italy against double taxation are generally allowed to choose whether to pay taxes in their country of residence or in Italy - usually for a maximum of two years.  
In order to benefit from such bilateral agreements, researchers should provide proof of the actual payment of taxes in their country of residence (in general this statement is issued by the Italian Revenue Agency or equivalent body).

Italy has signed bilateral agreements with the following countries:  
Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia; Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada , China , Cyprus, South Korea, Republic of Ivory Coast, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Estonia, Ethiopia, Russian Federation, Republic of the Philippines, Finland, France, Georgia, Ghana, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Former Yugoslavia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Former Yugoslavian Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM), Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, UK, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Romania, Senegal, Syria, Republic of Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, USA, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uganda, Hungary, Soviet Union, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia.


Separate national insurance and pension scheme for self-employed and independent contractors (Gestione Separata INPS)

The "Gestione Separata" is a special fund for self-employed workers which is compulsory for work contracts. The scholarship is not subject to income declaration or IRPEF taxation (L. 476/84 art. 4, L. 398/89 art. 6, comma 6) but a retirement contribution. The contributions are withheld automatically from the monthly instalment and paid directly to INPS by the University.

In order to allow the payment of this retirement contribution after the enrolment, all researchers with scholarship must register with INPS "Gestione Separata Dei Lavoratori Parasubordinati" even though they have already been previously registered for activities with other employers.

To register with "Gestione Separata", anyone with the fiscal residence abroad and without an Italian identity document must request a PIN number from INPS. For more information about the documents and the registration with the Separate Management Fund, please contact the International Welcome Desk (


Travel with your Family

EU/EEA citizen

If you stay in Italy for less than 3 months, all you need is a valid ID document, no other formalities are required.

If your relatives stay in Italy for more than 3 months, for the purposes of registering with the municipality you must submit the documents certifying your family status to the Italian Embassy and obtain a legalised translation of them. After you and your relatives arrive in Italy, you must register with the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) in the municipality of residence.

Non EU/EEA citizen

Family Reunion (Ricongiungimento Familiare)

This procedure is used by foreign citizens who are already in Italy and have already obtained a permit of stay (the application for the permit is not sufficient).

If you are a researcher and hold a permit of stay for research purposes, you are entitled to request an "entry clearance" (Nulla Osta) for your family to the Immigration Office (SUI). The Nulla Osta is an authorisation required to apply for a visa for your relatives. The permit of stay for family purposes will have the same duration as the researcher's permit.

Who are the family members entitled to the family reunion?

The family members who can benefit from the family reunion are as follows:  
- Spouse not legally separated, 18 years old or older  
- Children younger than 18  
- Dependent children over 18 years of age who cannot support themselves due to health reasons related to a permanent disability;  
- Dependent parents of the applicant for family reunion, if the applicant is the only descendant

What documents do you need for a family reunion?

1. Income: if you want to apply for family reunion you need to give evidence that your income is legal and that it is not lower than the annual Italian social allowance: € 5617.32 for the year 2022, increased by half of the resulting amount for each accompanying family member.  
In the case of reunification of two or more children under 14 years of age, in any case the required minimum income must not be lower than twice the annual amount of the social allowance.

2. Suitability of accommodation: in compliance with the Memorandum of the Ministry of the Interior and of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of 17 March 2014 and to the purpose of family reunion, those citizens holding a permit of stay for research purposes are exempt from providing any certificate related to the suitability and to the health requirements of the accommodation.


Support & Guidance

Both EU or non-EU citizens should refer to the International Welcome Desk of UNIMORE to receive guidance and full details on how to carry out the procedures related to their arrival and stay in Italy (tax code, bank account, permit of stay or registration with the Registry Office, health insurance and registration with the National Healthcare System).

International Welcome Desk contacts:  
Whatsapp: +39 320 922 2848