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Research Infrastructures


List of infrastructures recognized by the MUR (Ministry of University and Research).

The creation of world-class research infrastructures is one of the five strategic axes for structuring and developing the European Research Area. These infrastructures are crucial to support and define research.

Research infrastructures – i.e. facilities, resources, and services used by the scientific community to conduct high-level research in specific fields - are essential tools for researchers and represent unique environments where scientific communities from different nations and disciplines gather.

Research infrastructures are crucial for their ability to enable scientific progress and promote innovation, and are increasingly becoming the focus for future investments, both public and private. They also act as the means through which conduct excellent scientific research and achieve the most challenging goals set at European and national levels.




A valere su fondi PNRR Missione 4 Componente 2 Investimento 3.1 (Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione) Unimore è coinvolta in attività di ricerca su tre progetti di Ateneo collegati alle suddette infrastrutture europee.

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