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Access to higher studies


Specialisation schools

A university degree is required for access to specialisation schools. The duration of the study cycle and the requirements for admission depend on the individual schools. Specific calls for applications are published each year, generally in the first few months of the year.  
For details see: 
List of Specialisation Schools
 - Announcements for admission to Specialisation Schools


Access to PhD courses is by open competition. The admission requirements are described in the admission notices. The duration of the course is three years, normally starting on 1 January.  
For details see Doctoral Schools

Masters and Advanced Courses

Masters and Postgraduate Courses last one or two years, require a university degree (except for some Postgraduate Courses) and can be accessed according to the procedures explained in the respective admission notices.  
For details see 
List of active Master's courses
 - Calls for admission to Master's courses
 - Postgraduate courses
 - Calls for admission to Postgraduate courses