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Registration FAQ


Enrolment for three-year degree courses and single-cycle open access degree courses is possible from Wednesday 10 July until 31 October 2024. After the deadline, enrolment is possible until 20 December 2024 with the payment of one or more surcharges (for each instalment already due) of €30 for payments made within the first 15 days following the deadline and €70 for payments made from the 16th day thereafter.
 Enrolment for open access degree courses, on the other hand, ends on 20 December 2024 without payment of the surcharge.
 Enrolment, on the other hand, for degree courses with programmed access, is only possible within the deadlines set out in each call for applications. Late enrolment is not permitted even with payment of the surcharge.

Registration for a free-access three-year degree course and a single-cycle master's degree course (total duration 5 or 6 years) is completely online. To enrol, simply log on to the
 website. If the student is accessing for the first time, registration is required. For Italian citizens over the age of 18, registration is possible ONLY WITH SPID. Persons under the age of 18 or who do not have a valid Italian identity document must proceed with the "Registration" function. Click on "Enrolment" in the top right-hand menu and choose your course of study. Follow the instructions on the screen and attach the following digital documents:

  • digital passport photo: to be valid it must contain the face in frontal close-up and on a neutral background. The photo will be reproduced on the digital badge.
  • double-sided copy of a valid identity document
  • other possible documentation (e.g. request for recognition of teaching activities, part-time request, request for incoming transfer, TOLC if required, etc.).
  • copy of residence permit (if non-EU student)

In order to enrol, you must pay the first instalment of tuition fees, which you can find under 'fees'. Payment must be made through the PagoPa circuit as indicated in the information notice you will find at Only if there are elements that need to be checked (e.g. non-conforming photo, expired or incorrectly attached ID document or residence permit, declared academic qualifications, etc.) will you be contacted at the personal email address you entered when you registered with Esse3. After 15 working days from the payment of the first contribution instalment and without having received any email from the Enrolment Staff, your enrolment will be FINAL.

ATTENTION! Any errors in the registration process will be reported to the e-mail address entered by the student.


In order to enrol in a two-year open-access Master's degree programme, students must first request an assessment of their initial preparation, in accordance with the indications given in the appropriate Announcement published on the University website at the following link:

In particular, the appropriate assessment application must be drawn up by connecting to the website and using the "Assessments and Tests" function in the menu at the top right. On the basis of the publication of the results of the assessment carried out by the competent Commission, the student will be notified, also by personal e-mail, whether he/she will be able to proceed with enrolment or whether he/she will have to make up any educational debts, in accordance with the procedures indicated in the Announcement. Once the initial assessment is positive, or once any training debts have been recovered, to enrol follow the procedure indicated in point A).


In order to enrol in a study course with programmed access, students must follow the instructions given in the Announcement of Admission, published at The procedures for participation in the competition, the publication of the rank list, the procedures and deadlines for enrolment are indicated in the relevant Announcements. The enrolment procedure is completely online and you must follow the instructions given in point A). The first instalment of tuition fees must be paid by the deadline indicated in the Announcement, under penalty of non-enrolment.


For the enrolment procedure, please follow the instructions given in the notice published at For the enrolment procedure, follow the indications in point A).

The matriculate questionnaire contains questions aimed at surveying the characteristics of students at the start of their studies. Completion of the matriculate questionnaire is compulsory and is available immediately after enrolment and registration of the first instalment. Failure to complete it will not allow enrolment in any exam call.

How do I enrol in the Matriculated Questionnaire: after completing the online enrolment procedure, you must wait for the first tax instalment to be received in Esse3. Only then, from the portal, select "Student Area" and then "Access to the Almalaurea Matriculated Questionnaire". You will be invited to register on the Almalaurea website in order to fill in the questionnaire. We advise you to do this now so that you will not be blocked when you have to book your exams.

For more information see the dedicated page

The digital badge is the university card that is issued at the end of enrolment. Follow the instructions for activating the digital badge at the following links:

If you are a student who, in the 2024/2025 academic year, will be attending the first year of a three-year or single-cycle degree course, you can take the English language placement test to check your level of preparation. 
If you are a student who for various reasons (e.g. transfer from another university) will be admitted to years subsequent to the first year, you do not have to and cannot take the placement test
. Placement test eligibility: some degree courses provide for the recognition of the final eligibility required by your degree course by virtue of a certain level achieved in the placement test. For specific information about this possibility, contact the teaching coordinator of your department or the lecturer responsible for your English language teaching.


To enrol, you must register on the portal and then "Login" using the access credentials (username and password) assigned at the end of your registration. Select "Assessments and tests" from the menu at the top right, then "Enrolment Assessments and tests" and select the specific category "ENGLISH LANGUAGE ADMISSION TEST".  At this point you can choose the test related to the degree course you are interested in, following the registration procedure until final confirmation.

Once you have registered, print out the application form on which you will find the rota (date, time and place) for the test. The assigned rota may NOT be changed under any circumstances.

For more information see the dedicated page

The part-time enrolment mode makes it possible to spread out over two academic years the attendance of educational activities and the related examinations, which are usually scheduled in one year. Those who choose the part-time mode can therefore take a minimum of 25 credits and a maximum of 35 credits per year and will be bound to this choice for at least two years. Part-time enrolment allows for a 40% reduction in contributions, while the fixed items (Regional Fee for the Right to University Studies, stamp duty and compulsory insurance cover) remain unchanged.

During online enrolment, from the website, you will be asked to choose between "Full-time enrolment" or "Part-time enrolment". If you have chosen part-time enrolment, you will be able to attach the part-time enrolment application form online, in the "enrolment application attachments" section, which can be downloaded at If you do not attach the part-time enrolment form immediately, you must submit it, by the end of the enrolment period, to the Student secretariat of the course you have enrolled in. 

If you have already been enrolled in another degree course, of this or another university, or have taken single courses, you can apply for recognition of the examinations you have passed during online enrolment on the website, attaching the form that can be downloaded at the link - Recognition of teaching activities in the 'enrolment application attachments' section.  You must also pay a fixed fee of €55.00 for the recognition of examinations. The invoice to be paid will be available on your personal page in Esse3, under 'Fees', after the Student secretariat has received your request.

If you were enrolled at Unimore in a previous degree course that was closed due to withdrawal or forfeiture and you wish to request recognition of the examinations you have taken, you must first make sure that your past administrative and contribution position is regular. If this is not the case, you will have to pay a lump sum determined in this way:

- for an irregular administrative position referring to previous academic years that shows a debt situation of up to €500.00, the flat-rate contribution shall not be applied;

- for a non-regular administrative position referring to previous academic years that shows a debt situation from €500.01 and up to €1,000.00, the flat-rate contribution fixed at €350.00 shall be applied;

- for a non-regular administrative position referring to previous academic years that shows a debt situation from €1,000.01 and up to €2,000.00, the flat-rate contribution fixed at €700.00 shall be applied;

- for an irregular administrative position referring to previous academic years that shows a debt situation exceeding €2,000.00, the flat-rate contribution fixed at €1,000.00 shall be applied;

After enrolling in the new degree course, the Student secretariat will check your previous enrolment and upload the amount to be paid in Esse3 to regularise what is due. The Student secretariat will also charge you a contribution of €55.00 to recognise your previous career. You will find the amounts to be paid on your personal page in Esse3 under 'fees'. 

If you have not yet paid your first fee instalment and wish to change your course of study, simply log on to the portal and log in. Select "Student area" from the right-hand menu and then "Enrolment". You will be taken to the last page of the enrolment process and simply select "Proceed with new enrolment". 

If you have already paid fees and have been definitively enrolled, to change course you must apply for a change of course. 
You can find the form at the following link
 The application, complete with a 16.00 euro revenue stamp, must be handed in to the Student secretariat of the course in which you have been enrolled.

In the Esse3 form for entering your qualification, you only have to fill in the 'Province' field and then the 'Municipality' field and do not enter any other data. Select 'Search' and scroll through the list of institutes to find yours. If it is not present, write to: