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Associazione Mutualistica Universitaria Lavoratori Atipici

The AMULA University Mutualist Association for Atypical Workers was set up on the initiative of a group of UNIMORE unstructured workers, financed by the University and supported through the work of a group of assignees/PhD students of the University and the University Staff Union.

Purpose of the association

AMULA provides financial contributions in the event of pregnancies and long illnesses, for specialist medical examinations of any branch or nature, for the performance of diagnostic tests, for the purchase of prescription lenses and orthopaedic aids, for the reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of drugs and non-maternal milk for newborn babies, through SMA - Società di Mutua Assistenza - Modena.

Who can join

Those who have a direct or indirect unstructured relationship with the UNIVERSITY OF THE STUDIES OF MODENA AND REGGIO EMILIA may benefit from the grants.
The assistance is extended to Spin-Offs and Start-Ups related to UNIMORE, as well as to workers with atypical employment relationships within the organisational context of the Marco Biagi Foundation and More Service Srl, provided they are not employed by public bodies and private employers. Assistance is also offered to beneficiaries of scholarships granted by organisations other than UNIMORE but which envisage an agreement with UNIMORE approved by the Rector and the Department Director.

Subsidies provided

The subsidies currently provided for are recognised in the following amounts:

  • €200 per year for medical examinations and other health services;
  • €1000 to €2400 for pregnancy allowances
    (depending on the type of employment contract the member has signed with the University and whether she is pregnant at risk);
  • €25 as a daily allowance in case of long illness;
  • €200 per year for the purchase of medicines and non-maternal milk for newborn babies within the first year of life.

How to become a member

To become a member of AMULA and be eligible for subsidies, you must:

IBAN CODE IT14N0200812930 000100584913;

The Board of Directors will confirm the registration and send all documents to the SMA office at the same time.

For any clarification, please contact
