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Master Degree Course

Access mode



2 years


Reggio Emilia




Department of Life Sciences


Law: D.M. 270/2004
Department: Department of Life Sciences
Degree class: LM-69 - Agricolture
CFU: 120
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
Attività a scelta del CdS (between 1 and 24 CFU)
Attività a scelta da altri CdS (between 1 and 24 CFU)
Attività a scelta (between 1 and 24 CFU)
Year of study: 2
Year of study: 1
Attività a scelta del CdS (between 1 and 24 CFU)
Attività a scelta da altri CdS (between 1 and 24 CFU)
Attività a scelta (between 1 and 24 CFU)
Year of study: 2

More information

Prerequisites for the admission.

In order to enrol in the Integrated Sustainability of Agricultural Systems (SISTA) degree programme, a Bachelor's degree in one of the following classes is required:
- Italian degree in class L-25 'Forest and Agricultural Sciences and Technologies' or ex class 20 (D.M.509/1999), or equivalent qualification obtained abroad without any other curricular requirement.
- Degree in classes L-26 'Food Science and Technology', L-2 'Biotechnology!', L-13 'Biological Sciences', L-32 'Science and Technology for the Environment and Nature', L-38 ‘Zoology' and corresponding classes of Ministerial Decree 509/1999 or equivalent foreign qualification provided they have acquired at least 60 CFUs in at least 6 of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors
AGR/01 - Rural economics and surveying
AGR/02 - Agronomy and herbaceous crops
AGR/03 - General Arboriculture and Tree Crops
AGR/04 - Horticulture and floriculture
AGR/05 - Forest management and silviculture
AGR/07 - Agricultural genetics
AGR/08 - Agricultural hydraulics and hydraulic-forestry systems
AGR/09 - Agricultural mechanics
AGR/10 - Rural buildings and agroforestry
AGR/11 - General and applied entomology
AGR/12 - Plant pathology
AGR/13 - Agricultural chemistry
AGR/14 - Pedology
AGR/15 - Food Science and Technology
AGR/16 - Agricultural microbiology
AGR/17 - General animal husbandry and genetic improvement
AGR/18 - Animal Nutrition and Feeding
AGR/19 - Special animal husbandry
AGR/20 - Zoocultures
BIO/01 - General botany
BIO/01 - Systematic botany
BIO/03 - Environmental and applied botany
BIO/04 - Plant physiology
BIO/05 - Zoology
BIO/06 - Compared anatomy and cytology
BIO/07 - Ecology
BIO/09 - Physiology
BIO/10 - Biochemistry
BIO/11 - Molecular biology
BIO/13 - Applied biology
BIO/18 - Genetics
BIO/19 - General microbiology
CHIM/01 - Analytical chemistry
CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry
CHIM/10 - Food chemistry
CHIM/11 - Fermentation chemistry and biotechnology
ICAR/06 - Topography and cartography
ICAR/15 - Landscape architecture
IUS/03 - Agricultural law
IUS/14 - European Union Law
SECS-P/08 - Economics and business management

In addition, knowledge of English at B1 level is a prerequisite for admission.

Skills associated with the function

Senior agronomist
The main know how, skills and competences, also transversal, acquired through the training programme by the Senior Agronomist, expert in the Integrated Sustainability of Agricultural Systems are the following:
1) Transversal competences and skills, such as the ability to communicate, to work in a team, to learn, also using the English language. Whether as a farmer, as a manager/expert in agriculture and agribusiness or as a consultant (freelance agronomist), the abilities to communicate, to work in a team, to develop proactive leadership are essential. Skills and competences acquired through teaching - professional soft skills, management and business development, English language - seminars with operators, internship activities, final dissertation, cooperative teaching.
2) Ability to analyse and interpret the concrete business situation with an aptitude for problem finding and problem solving accompanied by substantial autonomy of judgement. Skills and competences acquired through the various teachings (professional soft skills and management and business development in particular), seminars with operators, internship activities, final dissertation, cooperative teaching.
3) Skills and competences relating to the integrated sustainability of agro-livestock production processes. These (in the subjects: herbaceous agro-ecosystems, tree agro-ecosystems, assisted evolution technologies, soil fertility, pathogen defence and pest management, livestock production, agroecology and biodiversity defence) are applied and declined to the various contexts involving: cultivation, improvement of cultivation techniques, plant care and livestock breeding.
4) Skills and competences inherent to the integrated sustainability of processing and first transformation processes of agricultural products (processing, packaging, handling, storage) and related application skills, declined to the various contexts.
5) Skills and competences inherent to economic-managerial aspects (management and business development, technological systems for precision agriculture, economics and sustainable development of agricultural and rural systems, post-harvest management of agricultural products) with which to integrate, in a systemic approach to business choices and decisions, the specific technical knowledge for production, processing and first transformation operations and processes and related application skills, declined to the various contexts.
6) Skills and competences concerning technical-managerial aspects related to the appropriate adoption of technical means, instruments and innovative technology (technological systems for precision agriculture, management and business development) concerning agricultural production and first processing processes and related application skills declined to various contexts.
7) Skills and competences concerning the development and implementation of means, tools and materials for agricultural production, processing and first-stage processing (agroecology and biodiversity protection, herbaceous and tree agroecosystems, assisted evolution and soil fertility technologies, integrated approaches to pathogen protection and pest management, livestock production, technological systems for precision agriculture, post-harvest management of agricultural products) and related application skills adapted to the various contexts.
8) Soft competences and skills related to the integrated sustainability of agricultural production processes for the design and implementation of research and development activities for new processes/products and the improvement of existing ones (all subjects) and related application skills for the various contexts.
9) Knowledge and skills to improve the valorisation of agricultural and agrifood products in the markets and commercial channels (management and business development, economics and sustainable development of agricultural and rural systems, post-harvest management of agricultural products) and related application skills declined to the various contexts.
10) Management knowledge and skills aimed at identifying and implementing support services for the development of businesses and the agrifood and rural system according to integrated sustainability (all subjects) and related application skills, declined to the various contexts.

Function in a work context

Senior agronomist
The Senior Agronomist specifically competent in the Integrated Sustainability of Agricultural Systems (LM SISTA) is a professional able to guide the evolution of agriculture and its various components in the direction of integrated sustainability, contributing to advancing the entire socio-economic-environmental system towards the UN-SDGs of Agenda 2030. The articulation of the degree programme and at the same time its organic nature, the underlying approach and the mission embraced, the topics addressed and the skills pursued, also of a transversal nature, the direct connection with the various agricultural and agrifood processes through field exercises, internships and experimental theses that represent the distinguishing features of the SISTA LM confer skills and competences and adequate professionalisation to the new version of the Senior Agronomist required by the agricultural sector for its sustainable evolution.

The main tasks of this professional figure are as follows:
- Development of analysis and fulfilment of techno-economic choices regarding production processes within farms concerning crops (from improvement of cultivation techniques to plant care) and livestock breeding (including animal welfare) according to integrated sustainability logics.
- Development of analysis and fulfilment of technical-economic choices regarding the use and maintenance of scarce resources (land, water, biodiversity) according to integrated sustainability logic.
- Development of analyses and completion of techno-economic choices regarding the interface issues upstream of the farm - types of input for crops and livestock, means and tools for operations and technological support, services - according to the logic of integrated sustainability.
- Development of analyses and making technical-economic choices regarding downstream interface issues of the farm - product-market combination, type of channel and commercial interlocutor, types and methods of aggregation, production diversification - according to integrated sustainability logic.
- Development of analysis and fulfilment of choices of a technical-economic nature regarding the production processes within the processing and first transformation companies - physical and technical transformation operations, preservation, handling, packaging - according to the logic of integrated sustainability.
- Development of analysis and fulfilment of choices of a technical-economic nature regarding interface issues upstream and downstream of the processing and first transformation company - types of input and relative controls, means and tools for operations and technological support, services, on the one hand, and choices of product-market combination, type of channel and commercial interlocutor, production diversification, on the other - according to integrated sustainability logics.
- Analysis of the needs for means, tools and inputs used by farms in their production processes and development and implementation of the same and related supply processes according to integrated sustainability criteria.
- Implementation and coordination of activities for the analysis, certification and accreditation of agrifood systems and products and support to the above.
- Implementation of wide-ranging research and development activities, such as basic and applied research, process and product innovation.
- Development of context analyses and identification of technical-economic-administrative solutions to support the system and companies and sectoral policy actions for systems with integrated sustainability.
- Development of context analysis and definition of research and development plans for the identification of technical-economic solutions to critical issues or to seize development opportunities at farm and supply chain level.
- Development of context analyses and definition of strategies and related plans for the development of individual companies, aggregates, supply chains and agricultural and agrifood districts in the context of entrepreneurial choices and sectoral policy actions for integrated sustainability systems.
- Development of context analyses and identification of technical-economic-administrative solutions for the sustainable use of water, air and soil resources in relation to agrifood processes and rural development for control, mitigation and protection.
- Development of context analyses and identification of projects for the integrated development of rural areas also for the purpose of sectoral policy actions for integrated sustainability.

Educational goals

The Master's Degree Programme in Integrated Sustainability of Agricultural Systems - SISTA (class LM-69) aims to train a professional able to lead the development of the agriculture of the future, i.e. a substantial and highly integrated component of the agri-food and agro-industrial system according to the criteria of overall sustainability: environmental, economic and social.
The Degree Programme aims first and foremost to teach the future professional a managerial approach (and forma mentis), which enables him/her to address the various technical, methodological, economic, organisational, etc. issues in all their complexity with appropriate interpretative and problem-solving skills according to a proactive attitude that can also encourage professional updating in the logic of dynamic capabilities. This training objective, consistent with the figure of the master's graduate, is intended to put the future professional in a position to respond specifically to the support and guidance needs of the agricultural world, which is characterised, on the one hand, by being made up of many small/medium-sized companies and, on the other hand, by being embedded in a decidedly complex agri-food-industrial-territorial-environmental-international system.
The cultural and professional profile of the graduate to be trained integrates the specific contents inherent in the knowledge and skills of the 'modern agronomist' within the 'vision' described above The degree programme therefore aims to foster the acquisition of specific skills, functional to understanding and guiding the various agricultural and primary production processes pertaining to the various fields (cultivation, breeding, defence, mechanisation, processing and conservation, economic management, soil improvement and management, etc.) towards the conditions of integrated sustainability.
More specifically, SISTA Master’s graduates will have a solid cultural background in the basic areas of bioeconomy with a good command of the scientific method and the digital instrumentation indispensable for good problem finding/solving skills; they will be familiar with agro-livestock production systems as well as with the principles and tools for the qualitative and quantitative improvement of agricultural production, soil and biodiversity protection/safeguard, product/process quality control and the design, management and certification of quality systems in the agro-food sector, with a focus on innovative and advanced technical means and on assisted evolution techniques functional to the pursuit of sustainability will have advanced skills in business management and development, supply chain organisation, production valorisation, development of the circular economy and innovative territorial development strategies (also in support of sector policies), always in an indispensable systemic approach with high professional and social relations and interrelation skills.
These are the main functions they will perform:
• Expert in sustainable agricultural production processes working on farms as a technician/manager and as an entrepreneur or working as a consultant to agricultural and agri-food companies;
• Expert in the development and production of equipment, technologies and materials for sustainable agricultural processes or in the processing and first transformation of agricultural products with integrated sustainability processes or in support activities, technical control, certification of agricultural and agri-food systems with integrated sustainability;
• Expert operating in association, consortium and PA bodies in support and guidance activities for agricultural systems according to integrated sustainability logic as well as in the management of water, air and soil resources in relation to agri-food processes and rural development for control, mitigation and protection;
• Expert in the research, planning and management of development strategies and tools for rural territories.

The specific functional competences for guiding agricultural and agri-food processes towards the conditions of integrated sustainability will be acquired through the teaching activity, supplemented during the internship and thesis preparation, through the various teachings that can be classified in the following learning areas:
Learning Area 1 - Sustainable plant and animal production systems. In terms of knowledge and understanding, it is declined towards: strategies and techniques for the management of the main herbaceous and arboreal agro-ecosystems, from the choice of propagation material to product harvesting; strategies and techniques for the sustainable management of livestock production and welfare in livestock farming, techniques for the preparation and implementation of appropriate means, resources and inputs for sustainable processes in agricultural systems; strategies and techniques for post-harvest quality, functional packaging, control of the main agro-vegetable diseases. With regard to the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, this is focused on: analyse, make conscious choices, apply and monitor them to improve with regard to the sustainable use of resources, cultivation techniques of herbaceous and tree systems appropriate to various contexts and production systems; analyse, make conscious choices, apply and monitor them to improve with regard to animal husbandry and welfare techniques appropriate to various contexts and production systems; analyse, define means, resources and inputs and monitor their application to support and improve sustainable farm processes; analyse, make conscious choices, apply and monitor them to improve product quality, post-harvest storage and packaging.
Agroecology and protection of biodiversity, Sustainability of herbaceous agro-ecosystems, Sustainability of arboreal agro-ecosystems, Assisted evolution technologies in agriculture and soil fertility, Integrated approaches to defence against pathogens, Integrated approaches to pest management, Sustainable livestock production.
Technological systems for precision agriculture, Post-harvest management of agricultural products, are the subjects that most contribute to this learning area.
Learning Area 2 - Biotechnological developments and ecosystem interactions. With regard to knowledge and understanding, this is aimed at: awareness of the environmental implications of agricultural activities and problems of integrated conservation of agro-biodiversity, structural and functional genomic analysis; assisted evolution and genetic improvement strategies; knowledge, analysis and improvement strategies of soil microbial biodiversity and its interaction with biogeochemical cycles and fertility; problems caused by plant pathogens and phytophagous in agro-ecosystems, integrated and biological management strategies, knowledge of agro-pesticides. With regard to the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, this is focused on: analysing, making conscious choices, applying and monitoring them to improve containment and mitigation of environmental impacts related to agricultural practice; analysing, making conscious choices, applying and monitoring them to improve appropriate and sustainable pathogen and pest defence techniques in different production systems analysing, making conscious choices, applying and monitoring them for plant genetic improvement also by means of assisted evolution techniques by consulting genomic banks; analysing microbial groups and their biological functions, making conscious choices, applying and monitoring them to improve biotransformation and biodegradation of biomass as well as soil fertility.
Agroecology and protection of biodiversity, Sustainability of herbaceous agro-ecosystems, Sustainability of tree agro-ecosystems, Assisted evolution technologies in agriculture and soil fertility, Integrated approaches of pathogen defence, Integrated approaches of pest management, Post-harvest management of agricultural products, are the subjects that most contribute to this learning area.
Learning Area 3 - Business and system management and development. As far as knowledge and understanding are concerned, this is focused on: business management and business development strategies, including coordination and aggregation, in market and agro-food supply chain contexts; the role of agriculture in the development of the economic-environmental system; strategies and policies for sustainable agricultural and rural territorial development; strategies and techniques of Smart Agriculture and data analysis in the integrated system of precision agriculture and for environmentally friendly types of propulsion. With regard to the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, this is intended to: Analysing, making conscious choices, applying and monitoring them to improve farm economics, process profitability, strategic and operational marketing, coordination choices and business development strategies; analysing, preparing strategic and operational indications and monitoring their implementation with regard to socio-economic-environmental development policies and plans for agricultural systems and rural territories; analysing, making conscious choices, applying and monitoring them to improve the technological set-up of farms, adopt 'precision' technologies, foster smart management of sustainable processes, adopt sustainable propulsion systems.
Agroecology and protection of biodiversity, Management and business development, Technological systems for precision agriculture, Economics and sustainable development of agricultural and rural systems, are the subjects that most contribute to this learning area.
Appropriate professional managerial skills substantiated by systemic thinking, able to update in the logic of dynamic capabilities in order to best express specific competences, accompanied by autonomy of judgement, communication skills and learning abilities, will be acquired through targeted management topics, lectures and practices of professional soft skills, integrated teaching approach, field exercises, in-depth studies and through an internship in companies and organisations in the sector on the basis of a concrete project as well as the production of an applied-experimental thesis.

The degree programme develops over two years, i.e. four semesters, articulating the various teachings and activities in order to organically achieve the training objectives described above.
To this end, during the first semester, the acquisition of knowledge capable of laying the foundations of the broad issue of integrated sustainability is proposed first and foremost through, in particular, the teachings of Agroecology and Biodiversity Protection, Management and Business Development, Professional Soft Skills as well as the English language.
Part of the first semester and especially during the second and third semesters, the course covers the topics of integrated sustainability in agriculture through, in particular, the teachings of: Technologies for assisted evolution in agriculture and soil fertility, Sustainability of herbaceous and tree agro-ecosystems, Integrated approaches to defence against harmful pathogens and insects, Sustainability of livestock production, Technologies for assisted evolution in agriculture and soil fertility, Technological systems for precision agriculture, Post-harvest management of agricultural products, Economics and sustainable development of agricultural and rural systems.
In the fourth semester, significant attention is given to an internship at companies and organisations in the sector to be carried out on the basis of a concrete project and, above all, to the production of an application-experimental thesis conducted independently by the candidate under the technical-scientific supervision of a lecturer.
During the second year, there is room for courses of the student's own choice and further training activities, which aim to complete the students' professional preparation on the basis of their personal aptitudes and preferences and in accordance with their employment prospects.
Throughout the entire training programme, it is expected:
- The use of an integrated and problem-solving approach in the methodological approach to teaching;
- The promotion of teaching experiences through problems and projects;
- The holding of interactive seminars with technicians, managers and experts from the agricultural system (also in English);
- The possibility of carrying out visits and workshops 'in the field' also thanks to the existing agreement with the IIS Spallanzani of Castelfranco Emilia (MO), which manages a farm of over one hundred hectares across the plains, hills and mountains, characterised by different production and environmental contexts and which also operates in several sectors with processing activities (vine - wine, milk - Parmigiano Reggiano, cereals, fruit, etc.).

Communication skills

SISTA graduates will be able to:
1) Communicate the scientific prerequisites and operational instructions to employees, customer operators and technicians effectively and in a language that is appropriate for the sector;
2) Communicate knowledge and illustrate, also with the use of English, technical and management solutions relevant to the integrated sustainability of agricultural systems to all stakeholders;
3) Draft and prepare written reports on all relevant technical and management issues with appropriate language and suitable layout for the best understanding by the addressees.

Written and oral communication skills are tested through participation in seminars and through the production and presentation of papers and, above all, the final examination. An integral part of the final examination of each training activity is the verification of the expository capacity, in oral and/or written form, and of the mastery of the specialised technical vocabulary.

Making Judgements

SISTA graduates will be able to:
1) Formulate and propose independent reflections on technical-scientific and socio-economic issues concerning critical issues and strategies for the integrated sustainability of agricultural systems;
2) Collect and critically interpret, in a systemic view, both scientific and operational information and promotional communication concerning operations and processes in sustainable agricultural systems;
3) Collect and critically interpret, in a systemic view, data relating to various processes, operations, means and materials for diagnostic purposes and to define original solutions and appropriate operational indications from a managerial perspective;
4) Critically analysing company performance and identifying appropriate business development strategies from a managerial perspective;
5) Collect and critically interpret, in a systemic view, data concerning agricultural and rural development and identify strategies appropriate to the conditions and context.

These skills are stimulated through: group discussions, presentation of content in a critical form, activation of reflection and problem-solving from case discussions. The ability to make judgements is assessed in specific sections of the oral and/or written exams. The future senior agronomist's capacity for autonomous and reflective elaboration will be taken into account in the evaluation of the internship and the final paper.

Learning skills

SISTA graduates will be able to:
1) Possess a well-established study method and substantial dynamic capabilities accompanied by intellectual 'curiosity' sensitive to the stimuli generated by critical issues, new knowledge, innovations;
2) Attention to sector publications and participation in meetings and information events on the various topics concerning the integrated sustainability of agricultural systems;
3) Possess a proactive attitude that from the single case/stimulus (critical or successful case), combining competence and creativity, induces one to act as an agent of change towards integrated sustainability.

Learning skills are achieved through active participation in lectures, interactions with the lecturer and other students, and developed through self-study and research and preparation of the final paper. They are verified during the study programme as a whole, especially in the individual study activities required to pass each examination, in the preparation of individual and/or group projects and in the activity carried out in preparation for the final examination.