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Degree Programme

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3 years






Department of Law


Department: Department of Law
Degree class: L-14 - Legal services
CFU: 180

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
    9 CFU - 63 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 3
III anno - Con. del lavoro - att. opzionali (18 CFU)
    6 CFU - 42 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    6 CFU - 42 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Maggiori informazioni
Gli studenti devono acquisire un totale di 18 CFU e, al tal fine, devono scegliere tre insegnamenti
tra quelli indicati nel sotto riportato elenco, offerti al I e II semestre del III anno
III anno attività a libera scelta (between 12 and 15 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Gli insegnamenti a libera scelta dello studente raggiungono un totale di 12 cfu e possono essere scelti secondo le seguenti modalità:
1) Tra gli insegnamenti “a libera scelta” offerti, nei due semestri dell’A.A. 2026/27, specificatamente per il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Giuridiche dell'impresa e della PA;
2) Tra tutti gli insegnamenti offerti nell’A.A. 2026/27 in ogni Corso di Studio del Dipartimento, con le seguenti eccezioni:
‐ gli insegnamenti offerti nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza esclusivamente per i percorsi Allievi Carabinieri ed Esercito Commissariato;
‐ gli insegnamenti offerti nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze Strategiche.
Si deve, altresì, rispettare il divieto generale di iterazione di esami già presenti nel Piano degli Studi della coorte di appartenenza.
Questa opzione (2) non comporta la necessità di preventiva autorizzazione da parte del Consiglio di Dipartimento
3) Tra gli insegnamenti presenti nell’Offerta didattica dell’A.A. 2026/27 degli altri Dipartimenti/Facoltà dell’Ateneo.
Questa opzione (3) comporta l’obbligo di chiedere la preventiva autorizzazione al Consiglio di Dipartimento: lo studente dovrà formulare specifica domanda al Consiglio di Dipartimento che si esprimerà in merito alla coerenza, o meno, degli insegnamenti prescelti al Piano degli studi della coorte di appartenenza. La richiesta deve essere trasmessa alla Segreteria Didattica del
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
    9 CFU - 63 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 3
III anno - Giust. sic. pubbl. e amm. - att. opzionali (18 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Gli studenti devono acquisire un totale di 18 CFU e, al tal fine, devono scegliere tre insegnamenti
tra quelli indicati nel sotto riportato elenco, offerti al I e II semestre del III anno
III anno attività a libera scelta (between 12 and 15 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Gli insegnamenti a libera scelta dello studente raggiungono un totale di 12 cfu e possono essere scelti secondo le seguenti modalità:
1) Tra gli insegnamenti “a libera scelta” offerti, nei due semestri dell’A.A. 2026/27, specificatamente per il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Giuridiche dell'impresa e della PA;
2) Tra tutti gli insegnamenti offerti nell’A.A. 2026/27 in ogni Corso di Studio del Dipartimento, con le seguenti eccezioni:
‐ gli insegnamenti offerti nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza esclusivamente per i percorsi Allievi Carabinieri ed Esercito Commissariato;
‐ gli insegnamenti offerti nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze Strategiche.
Si deve, altresì, rispettare il divieto generale di iterazione di esami già presenti nel Piano degli Studi della coorte di appartenenza.
Questa opzione (2) non comporta la necessità di preventiva autorizzazione da parte del Consiglio di Dipartimento
3) Tra gli insegnamenti presenti nell’Offerta didattica dell’A.A. 2026/27 degli altri Dipartimenti/Facoltà dell’Ateneo.
Questa opzione (3) comporta l’obbligo di chiedere la preventiva autorizzazione al Consiglio di Dipartimento: lo studente dovrà formulare specifica domanda al Consiglio di Dipartimento che si esprimerà in merito alla coerenza, o meno, degli insegnamenti prescelti al Piano degli studi della coorte di appartenenza. La richiesta deve essere trasmessa alla Segreteria Didattica del
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (
Year of study: 1
Year of study: 2
    9 CFU - 63 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 3
III anno - Op. giur. d'impresa - att. opzionali (18 CFU)
    6 CFU - 42 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Maggiori informazioni
Gli studenti devono acquisire un totale di 18 CFU e, al tal fine, devono scegliere tre insegnamenti
tra quelli indicati nel sotto riportato elenco, offerti al I e II semestre del III anno
III anno attività a libera scelta (between 12 and 15 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Gli insegnamenti a libera scelta dello studente raggiungono un totale di 12 cfu e possono essere scelti secondo le seguenti modalità:
1) Tra gli insegnamenti “a libera scelta” offerti, nei due semestri dell’A.A. 2026/27, specificatamente per il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Giuridiche dell'impresa e della PA;
2) Tra tutti gli insegnamenti offerti nell’A.A. 2026/27 in ogni Corso di Studio del Dipartimento, con le seguenti eccezioni:
‐ gli insegnamenti offerti nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza esclusivamente per i percorsi Allievi Carabinieri ed Esercito Commissariato;
‐ gli insegnamenti offerti nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze Strategiche.
Si deve, altresì, rispettare il divieto generale di iterazione di esami già presenti nel Piano degli Studi della coorte di appartenenza.
Questa opzione (2) non comporta la necessità di preventiva autorizzazione da parte del Consiglio di Dipartimento
3) Tra gli insegnamenti presenti nell’Offerta didattica dell’A.A. 2026/27 degli altri Dipartimenti/Facoltà dell’Ateneo.
Questa opzione (3) comporta l’obbligo di chiedere la preventiva autorizzazione al Consiglio di Dipartimento: lo studente dovrà formulare specifica domanda al Consiglio di Dipartimento che si esprimerà in merito alla coerenza, o meno, degli insegnamenti prescelti al Piano degli studi della coorte di appartenenza. La richiesta deve essere trasmessa alla Segreteria Didattica del
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Admission to the degree programme is subject to the possession of a upper secondary school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad and deemed equivalent. Good personal basic competencies are also required and in any case with knowledge suitable to take on legal studies. All enrolled students must take a verification test of their initial personal skills based on practical cases that may be resolved with logic tools, based on commonly shared historical and legal knowledge. In order to comply with any additional training obligation if the assessment test does not get a positive mark, students may be requested to attend to recovery classes.

Skills associated with the function

Modifica Dati di Residenza ​Utilizz
Graduates will have developed the legal and business skills necessary for carrying out administrative, support and advisory activities within companies. Graduates will also have cross skills related to the knowledge of the English language and information technology, an essential compendium for the development of the working activity in a context that is strongly linked to digital communication means, and increasingly focused on international relations. They will have acquired relational and problem solving skills, developed through the study programme by means of internship activities and teaching methods that are alternative to the traditional lectures.

Labour consultant; trade union consultant
Graduates will have developed specific knowledge in the fields of corporate law, labour law and trade union law. They have acquired professional skills in accounting, tax advice and contract assistance. Graduates will also have cross skills related to the knowledge of the English language and information technology, an essential compendium for the development of the working activity in a context that is strongly linked to digital communication means, and increasingly focused on international relations. They will have acquired relational and problem solving skills, developed through the study programme by means of internship activities and teaching methods that are alternative to the traditional lectures.

Organisation and administration specialist within public bodies. Legal Services Technician
Graduates will have developed specific competences within the discipline of public administration and judicial services, also with reference to the European and international dimension of issues concerning these sectors. Graduates will also have cross skills related to the knowledge of the English language and information technology, an essential compendium for the development of the working activity in a context that is strongly linked to digital communication means, and increasingly focused on international relations. They will have acquired relational and problem solving skills, developed through the study programme by means of internship activities and teaching methods that are alternative to the traditional lectures.

Function in a work context

Modifica Dati di Residenza ​Utilizz
- carry out administration roles in private companies;
- carry out support activities in the development of solutions to legal-business problems,
- perform management and organisational coordination activities for companies.

Labour consultant; trade union consultant
Graduates carry out the functions relating to the exercise of the profession of work consultant, i.e. trade union consultant. More specifically they:

Organisation and administration specialist within public bodies. Legal Services Technician
As organisation and administration technicians, graduates perform qualified functions in public, territorial and national bodies, with particular reference to land management, environmental protection and the provision of public services. As judicial services technicians, they perform qualified functions in the field of justice and public security. These functions consist, by way of example, in the collection of data and information, the management of relations between the offices and bodies of the various authorities, cooperation in the various administrative procedures, interpretation of the applicable regulations in individual cases, and cooperation in administrative proceedings.

Educational goals

Training objectives
The specific training objectives of the Degree Programme in Legal Sciences of Business and Public Administration respond to the need, emerging in both the public and private sectors, to combine a solid basic legal preparation with the acquisition of the ability to understand and apply existing legislation in specific and specialised sectors, through the training of distinct professional figures. In the private sector, it aims to provide its graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in private companies for the purposes of consultancy and assistance in compliance, contracting, client relations and pre-litigation management, as well as management and organisational coordination. In the labour field, it aims to train professionals with the legal skills and professional qualification necessary for personnel administration and management, labour relations and collective bargaining, social security and corporate welfare, both as employees of private companies, public bodies and professional firms and as freelancers. In the public sector, the aim is to train professionals with the necessary skills to work as organisation and administration technicians within public bodies (state, regional and local) and as judicial services technicians.

Training programme
The Degree Programme is divided into two main training areas. The first two years are common to all students and focus on the acquisition of a basic knowledge of law and the fundamentals and mechanisms of national law and international economic law. These studies require a knowledge of the English language as well as of the fundamentals of legal information technology. The second part has the duration of one year and offers three different study routes, each designed to provide an in-depth training of three areas of specialisation and aimed at creating different types of professionals: the business legal practitioner (ex-business lawyer), the labour consultant and all those involved in justice, public safety and administration.

The curriculum is chosen in the second year. The first two years include only compulsory exams (including an English language exam) that are common to all curricula. The third year, in addition to the compulsory exams that are specific to each individual curriculum, include exams that students can choose freely. These exams may be found within the whole offer of the Law Department. Students willing to take exams available in other Departments of the University must obtain the previous authorisation of the Council of the Department, that will decide based on the consistency of the subjects indicated with the student’s study plan. In addition to the examinations, for the acquisition of the total number of ECTS credits required to obtain the degree, university credits are provided for the final examination. Students from the second year onwards will be able to undertake an internship to be carried out in public bodies, private companies or professional firms subject to an agreement. In order to have the credits recognised, participants shall previously agree the internship with the Internship Office of the Department, to which they will submit an attendance certificate for the training activity, released by the entity, along with a short written report.
Those not willing to gain all ECTS credits for other training activities through an internship may obtain the remaining credits by taking part into seminars, conventions and/or integration programmes (“accredited” in that sense, that is organised by providing a minimum number of hours of classes, a percentage of hours of compulsory attendance, and a final examination for students to take and pass) or by attending integration programmes or teaching modules given in English. Students may gain credits for other training activities also by spending a study period abroad within the Erasmus programme, during which take at least two exams (regardless whether they are recognised with the purpose of completing the study plan).

Changes in the study programmes based on the curricula available to students
Curricula only differ as regards the training activities of the 3rd year, whereas during the first two years, students are offered a shared common teaching. More specifically, during the 3rd year, students enrolled in the ”Business legal operator” and “Job consultant” curricula are offered five compulsory teachings that are specific to the curricula, and students enrolled in the “Justice, public security and Administration” curricula are offered two compulsory teachings that are specific to the curricula and three subjects chosen among a set list of teachings.
All the above to focus the training on the respective professional destinations.
On the third year, students of the three curricula are also required to pass free choice exams by means of which they can address, customise and further deepen their specific background. In addition, the educational regulation has been amended for it to comply with the provisions of the Framework Convention concluded on 24 July 2013 between the MIUR and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the President of the National Council of the employment consultants association, which governs the operating procedures relating to the internship period to carry out while attending the last year of university programme, with the purpose of enrolling in the Employment Consultant Association.

Communication skills

Graduates will gain a good knowledge of the specific features of legal language, in particular regarding the lexicon, and will be able to communicate, both orally and in writing, on the issues to be dealt with, discussing the relevant possible solutions, and if required supporting the reasons for choosing one of them. More specifically, in terms of written communication they will be able to express short opinions and explicatory notes, whereas as regards the oral communication they will be able to relate and collaborate with their counterparties in a profitable way.

Making Judgements

Graduates will be able to identify the legislation, the case-law and the legal literature relevant to the issues they will have to deal with, deriving independent assessments aimed at resolving them, also by applying the skills gained on how to interpret the normative documents. More specifically, they will be able to consult both paper resources (Official Bulletin, Codes, etc.) and the main data banks of the field, comparing the collected data and possibly resolving the contrasts that might come up in a systematic approach. All the above also in the light of their historical, philosophical and sociological knowledge, based on which they will be able to evaluate the implications of their choices in a broader context.
Such results will be achieved through the following tools:
- lectures;
- seminar activities, with professors teaching in Italian and foreign universities;
- project works developed in a team with other students;
- analyses and discussion in the classroom of practical cases and judgements, the opportunity to participate in national and international research projects;
- direct onsite experiences with internship activities.
They will be assessed by means of examinations, relations, results of the seminar and internship activities, as well as the final examination.

Learning skills

Graduates will have achieved a set of basic knowledge and most of all a method of study that will enable them to continue their training programme both accessing specialist degree programmes or advanced master programmes, and in view of a necessary updating of their skills. In this last perspective, on one hand they will have a clear perception of the constant evolution affecting the legal and regulatory framework, and on the other hand they will gain an adequate mastery of the tools they should use to keep up-to-date, individually (by reading regulatory and case-law documents, data banks, doctrinal studies, etc.) or by attending specific courses.
Such results will be achieved through the following tools:
- lectures;
- seminar activities, with professors teaching in Italian and foreign universities;
- project works developed in a team with other students;
- analyses and discussion in the classroom of practical cases and judgements, the opportunity to participate in national and international research projects;
- direct onsite experiences with internship activities.
They will be assessed by means of examinations, relations, results of the seminar and internship activities, as well as the final examination.