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Advanced Master Programme (2nd level)

Access mode



1 years






"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering

More information

Prerequisites for the admission.

All degrees obtained under the regulations before Ministerial Decree 509/99. This includes all master's degrees obtained under Ministerial Decree 270/04 and specialist degrees obtained under Ministerial Decree 509/99. Additionally, an equivalent qualification obtained abroad will be accepted if recognized as suitable by the Scientific Council of the course, solely for admission to the course.

Admission procedures

• Evaluation of educational titles and qualifications (40%)
• Technical and motivational interview (60%)

Educational goals

The Advanced Master Program in "Impresa e Tecnologia Ceramica" is designed to meet the increasing demand for new professionals in the ceramic industry. This field continually invests in technological advancements in processing and production systems. The research sector of the ceramic industry requires skilled professionals capable of managing and coordinating complex industrial projects and processes. The Master program aims to train experts with multidisciplinary knowledge in enterprise and ceramic technology, focusing on competitive dynamics, product management, and production processes within the industry. The targeted professional profiles include Ceramic Product and Process Technologists and Commercial Technicians of the ceramic industry. Throughout the training, participants will benefit from the guidance of university professors, industry professionals, and business managers, ensuring an interactive and operationally focused approach to the study of various topics.

Course locations:
Department of Engineering "E. Ferrari" - Via Vivarelli 10/1 – Modena; CENTRO CERAMICO located in SASSUOLO Via Valle d’Aosta 1, Sassuolo (MO), CONFINDUSTRIA CERAMICA in Sassuolo, Via Monte Santo 40, Sassuolo (MO).

Course duration:
From November 2024 to October 2025