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Vocational Master Programme (1st level)

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1500 hours






Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

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Prerequisites for the admission.

Degree in obstetrics (class L/SNT1 and class SNT/1) or equivalent qualifications for admission to the 1st level Master's degree (all those in possession of the Professional qualification obtained according to the legislation prior to Ministerial Decree 24.07.1996 (Law 23.12.1957, n. 1252; Law 26.10.1960, n. 1395) provided that they have a five-year high school diploma.

Admission procedures

•Admission method: based on qualifications. The following qualifications will be evaluated:
- Qualification;
- Curriculum vitae with work experience;
- Publications
- Training/refresher courses
- Other relevant titles

Educational goals

To create a professional who possesses the following skills: execution of prenatal counselling, genetic knowledge of obstetric interest, knowledge of laboratory and/or instrumental tests to use during pregnancy ( spontaneously or through medically assisted procreation), basic ultrasound evaluation in the three trimesters (fetal presention, amniotic fluid, heartbeat fetal movements, active fetal movements). The Midwife will be able to correctly compile the medical record (opening, reporting, annotations, storage and closing) and She will be able to interpret the most common blood chemistry and instrumental tests carried out during pregnancy. Several theoretical and practical notions will be provided about antepartum and intrapartum cardiotocography (clinical cases) and finally about analysis of ultrasound control and protection of the pelvic floor. The Midwife will be able to carry out correct prenatal counseling independently and interdependently with other professionals in relation to risk assessment, supported by medical genetics’s obstetric, the midwife being the most suitable professional figure having a direct relationship with the pregnant.From a practical point of view, the midwife will be trained in visualizing the gestational chamber inside the uterine cavity, the embryo and its heart activity in the first trimester of pregnancy. Subsequently the midwife will be trained to visualize fetal heart activity, evaluation of amniotic fluid, placental position and fetal presentation in the second and third trimesters. Finally, the basics of intrapartum ultrasound will be provided, mainly for the diagnosis of the position and level of the part presented during labor