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Self-Certifications, Certificates, Diploma Supplement, Degree Certificate


Under articles 46, 47, and 71 of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and subsequent regulations, citizens can produce substitute declarations of certification (self-certifications) in relations with Public Administrations and Public Service Providers (including professional associations, INPS, schools, and educational offices), which are therefore required to accept self-declarations, under penalty of violation of official duties.

Law 120/2020 has extended the possibility of self-certification also in relations between private individuals. In this case, they can request verification directly to the Public Administrations of what has been self-certified by a subject, with its signed consent and identity document.

To facilitate the compilation of substitute declarations of certification regarding university careers, the possession of educational qualifications, and the payment of tuition fees, pre-filled self-declarations are available on Esse3 in the personal area. 

To download them, visit the website, log in with your credentials, and select "Certificates" from the side menu to access a list of a self-certification forms.

Information on Certificates and Self-Certifications for State Exams which follow a specific procedure as prescribed by Law

Information on Certificates and Self-Certifications for PhD Programmes 

The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia issues certificates with a digital stamp, that can be used in relations between private individuals in Italy or for international use. To obtain these certificates, you need to request them from your student office using the "certificate request form". In compliance with the regulations – Presidential Decree 26/10/1972 n. 642 - both the request and the certificate itself must be issued with a revenue stamp (currently valued at €16 for each stamp), unless one of the exemption cases occurs (so-called certificates on unstamped paper). Exemptions from the revenue stamp are listed in Annex "B" of the Presidential Decree 642/7. If the certificate qualifies for exemption, so will be the request form.

To obtain one or more certificates, you must:

  • Send an email to your Student Office attaching the "certificate request form" (in case of revenue stamp exemption, indicate the reason for the exemption and the legal reference) and your ID. The office will upload an invoice in your Esse3 personal area for the virtual payment of the stamp duties, if required;
  • Pay the charge by logging in with your personal credentials or with SPID on under the "Taxes" section. Payment methods are indicated on the Tuition Fees page;
  • After payment, notify it to the Student Office, which will send the requested certificate by email (with omitted signature or digital signature, according to the certificate's intended use).

If the certificate is issued on unstamped paper, the office will send the document by email without generating any invoice (N.B. verification and declaration of the existence of this condition is under the responsibility of the applicant).

You can also request, in specific cases, the issuance of the document with an affixed stamp and the handwritten signature of the Student Office manager.

It is recommended to contact the relevant student office in advance to verify the timing for the certificate issuance.

The certificate must be collected at the student desk in the following ways:

Direct Certificate Request 

The applicant must go to the student office with:

  • A valid ID
  • The certificate request form
  • Any required revenue stamps

Certificate Request by Proxy 

The applicant must go to the student office with:

  • Their own valid ID
  • An authorization form signed by the delegator
  • A signed and dated copy of the delegator's ID 
  • The certificate request form
  • Any required revenue stamps

Certificates on unstamped paper are exempt from stamp duty. The main exemption cases are listed in Annex "B" of the Presidential Decree 642/7. If the certificate qualifies for exemption, so will be the request form.

On certificates falling within the most common cases of revenue stamp exemption are freely downloadable by the users in the "Certificates" section of the side menu. If a certificate is not available on Esse3, it can be requested from the Student Office via email.

To obtain one or more certificates, you must:

  • Send an email to your student office attaching the request form indicating the reason for exemption, the legal reference and your ID. 

The office will send the document via email without generating any invoice (N.B. verification and declaration of the existence of this condition is under the responsibility of the applicant).

Foreign citizens legally residing in Italy can self-certify only those personal states, facts, and qualities that can be certified or attested by Italian public or private entities, and not in cases where the exhibition or production of specific documents derives from the provisions of the Legislative Decree 286/1998 (Immigration Act) or the Presidential Decree 394/1999, i.e. its implementation regulation, according to art. 40 paragraph 2 of P.D. 445/2000 (Consolidated Act on Administrative Documentation).

For example, students enrolled in a Unimore degree programme, coming from a non-EU country, who need to renew their residence permit must request an enrollment certificate with exams from their Student Office, which requires two revenue stamps (one for the certificate request and one for the certificate itself), via email or at the student desk.

Diploma Supplement

For information on the diploma supplement and how to obtain it, visit the dedicated page.

Degree certificate

For information on the degree certificate and how to collect it, visit the dedicated page.