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Financial incentive for deserving students

UNIMORE students can access Study Awards that encourage merit. Until the academic year 2021-2022, the award was based solely on the grades obtained (average of examinations) and adherence to the timetable in the curriculum. 
As of the academic year 2022-2023, a variant is being introduced that aims to reward individual educational planning.

Study Grant Features 

In order to better appreciate the merit and training of male and female students, UNIMORE establishes study awards that can be allocated to the enhancement of training activities and to the development of projects that allow deserving students to access initiatives that can represent a real added value within their studies, and therefore positive implications in terms of career and employment, such as the enhancement of curricular and extra-curricular training activities.
From a type of award based solely on the assessment of curricular performance (average exam marks), we are therefore moving to a form of award that also aims to recognise project skills and encourage the realisation of the students' training needs.

Which training activities are allowed

The training activities that can be realised with the call for study awards are: curricular enhancement, development of soft skills relevant to one's course of study, language courses, other types of activities.

How much are the prizes

Instead of a predetermined number of study awards (for the editions up to the academic year 2021/2022, 300 study awards worth €550.00 each were announced), from the academic year 2022/2023 onwards a fund of € 200,000.00 (previous fund: €165,000.00) will be set up to pay out the awards in four brackets of €500 - 1000 - 1500 - 2000 respectively, on the basis of individual applications received, up to a total amount equal to the allocated fund.  
The sum of €200,000.00 will be allocated to each department on the basis of the number of members in the previous year. 
The evaluation of the applications received and the admission to funding will take place in the first instance by considering the resources available to each structure; as a secondary step, any unallocated sums will be distributed to projects relating to other departmental structures.

Eligibility requirements

Due to the need to submit a training project to complete the application, the requirements have been changed: acquisition of at least 90% of the ECTS credits by the end of the regular session (A.Y. 2023-2024, 31/10/2024); weighted average of no less than 27/30, no grade in A.Y. 2023-2024 lower than 21/30 in profit examinations and submission of a training project. 
The proposed training project must provide for its implementation in the calendar year in which the award is granted (for A.Y. 2023-2024, calendar year 2025).

How to apply

Similar to the previous version of the Call for Study Awards, the student submits the application via the Esse3 application, by accessing the “Competition Registration” section, but must also attach the training project he/she intends to carry out and for which he/she is requesting resources. It is the student himself who indicates the prize bracket to which he wishes to apply (500 - 1000 - 1500 - 2000 euros), while it will be the task of a specially constituted Scientific Committee composed of a representative from each Department to assess, during the selection phase, the congruity of the project submitted with the allocation requested and, if necessary, to recalibrate the economic bracket of the same.

When to apply 

For the A.Y. 2023/2024, the application deadline for the Call for Study Awards is 11 November 2024 at 1 p.m..

Who can apply

All students enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024 in a Bachelor’s Degree Programme, Master’s Degree Programme or Single-Cycle Degree Programme at UNIMORE may apply for the Study Awards. Students who, in the academic year 2023-2024, have completed their studies by obtaining a degree are also eligible to apply, provided that they are enrolled in the following academic year in another degree programme at the University (which awards a degree of greater value than the one already obtained). Students who have completed their studies but are not enrolled in a UNIMORE degree programme may still apply for the “Degree Awards” call for applications.

How to obtain and use the Award

After the eligible student submits the application for the Study Grant through Esse3, the Benefits Office draws up a list of applications received, checks the merit requirement, the formal correctness of the project and the attached documentation. Subsequently, the Scientific Committee, which is made up of representatives of the Departments for this purpose, evaluates the applications received and formulates a merit list to which the funding will be linked. The next stage involves the student's acceptance and signing of the award agreement with the relevant clauses, preparatory to carrying out the project activity. Finally, upon completion of the project, the student must provide the declaration of completion of the activity. Spot checks may be initiated for the reporting of expenditure.

No, you can’t. Indeed, attaching the training project to the online application at is a prerequisite for applying for the Study Grant.

No, you can’t. In fact, the new awarding institutions are precisely intended to finance the student's project capability and serve to realise the training project that the applicant proposes.

No, it is not possible to participate in the Call for applications for the Study Grant of Academic Year 2023-2024 because a PhD is not among the programmes covered by the incentive.

No, it is not possible to participate in the Call for applications for the Study Grant of Academic Year 2023-2024 because medical specialisation schools are not among the programmes covered by the incentive.

Yes, the type of programme you are enrolled in and the programme you have completed allow you to apply for Study Grants.

There is no pre-established list of activities that can be carried out with the possible award because the projects to be submitted meet the curricular enrichment of the individual student. In any case you may contact the Teaching Coordinator/Contact person of the Internship Office for a comparison of activities consistent with one's course of study or, alternatively, the lecturer indicated by the Department as a member of the Scientific Committee, which is in charge of evaluating the projects, bearing in mind, however, that the activities supported by the call for Study Grants may concern the following projects:

a) curricular enhancement

b) development of soft skills

c) language courses

d) other types of activities 

In general, projects must meet at least these objective methodological criteria: 

  • clarity and feasibility of objectives;
  • innovation and originality

These criteria may vary depending on the context and specifications of the project. A full evaluation will be carried out by the Scientific Committee, which will take these factors into account when assessing its merit.

You can contact the teaching coordination office or the internship office of your department, or the lecturer designated by the department as a member of the Scientific Committee, which is responsible for evaluating projects.

You may contact the Student Benefits Office.

Training projects of a generic nature
Attainment of ICDL certification - International Certification of Digital Literacy
Language courses (associated or not associated with the attainment of a language certificate)

“Marco Biagi” Department of Economics
Social media manager course and certification
Sales techniques course and certification
SEO copywriter course and certification
Theory and Data course
Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management course
Management Control and Budget Analysis course
Mathematical Methods for Machine Learning course
Python Certified Course
Python Course for Finance
AIPPI Conferences - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

Department of Education and Human Sciences
Guitar lessons and instrument purchase
Courses at Reggio Children - Loris Malaguzzi International Centre
Master of Socio-Literary, Historical and Geographical Disciplines
Creation of self-supporting playroom corner
Course on voice use and diction
SaveTata Course

“Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering
Telemetry Course
Vehicle dynamics seminar
Course of Contact mechanics in multibody dynamics: from modelling to applications
Making a ground drone

Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering
Extra-terrestrial and Mars-like rover development
Attainment of project manager certification

Design and prototyping of a power electronic converter for the control of switched reluctance
electric motors for industrial and automotive applications.
Learning Phyton for data science
Research and development of methodologies for the control of multi-robot systems
Participating in the international project “Information and communication technology”

Department of Life Sciences
Conference of the Italian Society of Comparative Immunobiology and Development (SIICS)
Conference of the Italian Society for Developmental and Cell Biology (GEI-SIBSC)
Micro-incanulation research laboratory

Department of Studies on Language and Culture
Writing a novel
Professional scriptwriting course
Diploma in geopolitics
Diploma in European affairs
Course in public speaking

Department of Medicine and Surgery
Enrolment in MEDSKILL - Development of MEDical SKILLs by Simulation
Registration at Cor Psychologically Informed Physical Therapy
Medical Volunteering Project
Internship in the onco-haematology research laboratory
Attainment of the Recreational and Sport Flying Diploma to act as a helicopter
rescue doctor
Theoretical and practical workshop on anatomy in the septic room
Attendance at hospital departments and wards abroad
Purchase of professional dermatoscope
Certifications for the acquisition of specific skills in the field of research in medicine,
graphical representation of data and analysis with the R programming language.
Participation in conferences on studies related to computational neuroscience
Introductory course in investigative criminology, forensic science, forensic psychology,
crime scene analysis and criminal profiling