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Unimore Sport Excellence - Mattia Dall'Aglio Award

Mattia Dall'Aglio

Liberal Donations Earmarked for Mattia Dall'Aglio Study Awards

Individuals and companies can donate monetary amounts to support the "Mattia Dall'Aglio Awards" project. The awards, are announced each academic year in the form of scholarships to support student-athletes participating in the Sport Excellence project.

Methods of donation

Donations can be made in two ways, subject to national regulations on payments to public administration entities.

Through PagoPa Unimore platform with Credit Card

  1. Accessing the payment portal PagoPa - Unimore.
  2. Once connected, select the Spontaneous Payment box
  3. A page will appear for you to fill out to define the payment details. Select Payments to Central Administration and as Reason for Payment the value DONATIONS - CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION and enter "Mattia Dall'Aglio Awards" as the reason for payment.
  4. Proceed with the remaining data and complete the payment procedure.

Through PagoPa at your bank with a transfer through the CBILL system

  1. Request the issuance of the payment notice from the Budget Office
  2. Make the transfer in your bank's CBILL banking system (including online) with payment made out to University of Modena and Reggio Emilia institution code: AWAGF and using the notice code/payment IUV code issued by the University.
  3. In the Reason for Payment enter "Mattia Dall'Aglio Awards."

Concluding operations

In both payment methods, the donor is asked to send the payment receipt and the completed Donation Form in its entirety to