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Degree Programme

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3 years






Department of Life Sciences


Department: Department of Life Sciences
Degree class: L-13 - Biology
CFU: 180
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
    9 CFU - 72 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    8 CFU - 64 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
    8 CFU - 64 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    7 CFU - 56 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    3 CFU - 24 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Attività di debito
Year of study: 2
    7 CFU - 56 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 3
    9 CFU - 72 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
    12 CFU - 300 hours - Single Annual Cycle
III anno attività a libera scelta (between 12 and 18 CFU)

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Admission to the degree programme is subject to the possession of a secondary school diploma or equivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad, proving an adequate basic preparation as agreed at a national level for the same degree class. The knowledge required is the one usually indicated in the ministerial programmes of the upper secondary school.
The initial knowledge is verified by means of an entry test. The verification means and the selection test contents, which include queries of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, are specified in detail and advertised in the call for applications for the Degree Programme that is published every year on the web site of the Department of Life Sciences. If the initial knowledge is assessed as poor, specific Additional Training Obligations (OFA) are assigned and must be complied with within the first year of study.

Skills associated with the function

Junior biologist
To the purpose of carrying out the functions described above, graduates in Biological Sciences gain specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the technical and scientific field. More specifically:
- Operating and application skills and abilities in the biological field, with specific reference to technical procedures of broad spectrum biological and instrumental analyses, aimed both at monitoring and control, and research activities;
- skills and tools for the communication and information management, including the ability to effectively use at lease a language of the European Union other than Italian - both orally and in writing - for the exchange of general information in the specific field of competence;
- Ability to work in team and rapidly integrate into working environments;
- Possessing the basic information tools to keep one’s own knowledge constantly up-to-date

Function in a work context

Junior biologist
The Junior Biologist independently performs the following technical and professional functions:
- By means of analytical and instrumental procedure, s/he carries out biological analyses
- By means of technical and analytical procedures, s/he carries out check analyses on the environment, and on water, air, soil, and food hygiene.
- S/he carries out technical and operating, and professional support activities in the field of biology of animal and plant organisms and microorganisms
- S/he carries out quality check procedures on materials and products of biological nature or origin.
Pursuant to DPR 328/01, graduates may take the State Exam for being qualified to work as Junior Biologist and register in the National Association of Biologists (section B).
Graduates in Biological Sciences may also access Master’s Degree Programmes belonging to Class LM-6 Biology and similar.

Educational goals

Training objectives
The training objectives of the Degree Programme in Biological Sciences are focused on providing both a sound basic knowledge of the main sectors of Biology, open to further exploration and specialisation, and a good command of the methodologies and the technologies regarding the corresponding fields of scientific investigation aimed at ensuring a proper preparation to absorb the scientific and technologic progresses aimed at knowing and dealing properly with the living organisms. To reach these objectives, the Degree Programme is organised as to allow students to gradually gain the theoretical and operating tools required to understand the biological phenomena.
Training programme
During the first year of study, most credits are assigned to mathematics, chemistry, and physics, the knowledge of which helps acquire skills that are strictly biological. At the same time, students will be provided with the biological knowledge that is considered as cornerstones for the approach to the study of cells and organisms, including humans. On the second and third year, students finalise the acquisition of biological skills, including the study of microorganisms and animal and vegetal organisms, of the mechanisms of reproduction and development, with an interdisciplinary approach (morphological, physiological, biochemical, biomolecular, genetic, ecological and hygienist). Aspects relating to the main morphological and functional deviations, the innate and adaptive immunity response, and the biological and molecular mechanisms underlying the action of drugs or toxic substances have been considered. In addition to theoretical skills, students will have the opportunity to acquire proper operating elements by attending workshops and/or practical exercises to which a significant part of the credits assigned to each teaching unit will be reserved, for at least 20 credits overall. Such skills will be further implemented by taking a compulsory internship at facilities inside the University or in companies, public administration facilities or non-university laboratories, that is required during the last year of study. Credits are also assigned for the acquisition of IT tools that allow for processing texts and data, as well as credits to gain abilities in written and oral communication in English.
Students’ learning is mainly assessed through exams, both written and oral, and tests, not exceeding the maximum number set by M.D. 270/04. Lastly, students’ ability to carry out bibliographic research and consult data banks will be checked on the final examination.

Communication skills

The acquisition of suitable knowledge and skills for communication will take place and be verified through various activities of the training programme; in particular: communication in Italian, during verification tests on the subject; communication in English and IT skills by means of specific training activities (certified skills). The same IT and English skills, together with the ability to process and present data, work in a group, transfer and disseminate information on current biological topics, will be gained and verified during the preparation of the paper for the final exam, mainly based on the internship activity, and its discussion.

Making Judgements

By attending classes, seminars and practical and laboratory activities, including the internship experience, students gain independent judgement in terms of: evaluating and interpreting experimental laboratory data and data collected on the field; laboratory activities complying with safety rules; professional deontology fundamentals. They are also able to deal with current topics with a scientific approach.
The independent judgement is verified by assessing the students in each single teaching. Moreover, the independent judgement is assessed based on the abilities to process and integrate the information, as well as on the quality of the work carried out for preparing the final exam.

Learning skills

The acquisition of adequate learning skills - for the continuous update of the knowledge, for the development and the exploration of further skills, regarding the consultation of bibliographic material, the consultation of data banks and other network information and the use of basic cognitive tools - will be carried out and verified when preparing the paper for the final exam and its dissertation, other than in the various learning units.