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Degree Programme

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3 years






Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences


Law: D.M. 270/2004
Department: Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
Degree class: L-27 - Chemistry
CFU: 180
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan

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Prerequisites for the admission.

The degree programme in Chemistry has a set number of places. Admission is subject to the possession of a high school diploma or equivalent qualification. Some indications are provided below which may assist interested students in understanding which areas of knowledge they need to improve in order to make the most of the learning activities included in the course structure diagram of the 1st cycle degree programme in Chemistry: command of written and spoken Italian, including basic scientific terminology, a command of mathematical knowledge and skills in the following areas: 1st and 2nd degree equations; elements of Euclidean and analytical geometry, definitions and fundamental properties of elementary functions (polynomials, exponentials, logarithms, trigonometric functions); general scientific knowledge.
Therefore, admission to the programme is subject to an entrance exam to ascertain the students' initial level of preparation, in terms of minimum requirements of knowledge, and additional learning requirements will be set where required and must be completed within the first year of the programme, with specific remedial activities, tutoring and support for studies.

Skills associated with the function

The degree in Chemistry offers solid basic grounding in order to continue studies to 2nd cycle level, while offering the flexibility to enter the labour market. These objectives are achieved in the programme offering two curricula: methodological and practical. In both curricula, the basic knowledge of chemistry in terms of theoretical and innovative aspects are integrated with practical, experimental and instrumental skills, covering four areas: Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. The two curricula differ in some characteristics, privileging more scientific (methodological) aspects or more technological (practical) areas. Graduates from both curricula may in any case continue to 2nd cycle programmes or enter the labour market. In particular, for the purposes and learning outcomes of this degree programme, rapid employment in the chemical industry has been noted in the local area: basic chemistry (ceramics, construction materials), food processing, pharmaceutical industry, etc., in the following sectors: research laboratories; synthesis and development of new materials; production; quality control and analysis; technical and sales activities.
Basic knowledge and experimental activities in chemical laboratories, ensure a correct relationship with the handling of chemical substances, including hazardous substances. Graduates can rapidly identify the risks and hazards associated with the use of chemicals.
The application of modern instrumental analysis develops managerial skills for laboratory instrumentation, including activities related to the preparation of samples, preliminary handling, data acquisition and subsequent processing.
Computer and interpersonal skills help to acquire the ability to process experimental data, draft text files and produce dissemination material (test reports, etc.).

Function in a work context

The degree in Chemistry offers solid basic grounding in order to continue studies to 2nd cycle level, while offering the flexibility to enter the labour market. These objectives are achieved in the programme offering two curricula: methodological and practical. In both curricula, the basic knowledge of chemistry in terms of theoretical and innovative aspects are integrated with practical, experimental and instrumental skills, covering four areas: Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. The two curricula differ in some characteristics, privileging more scientific (methodological) aspects or more technological (practical) areas. Graduates from both curricula may in any case continue to 2nd cycle programmes or enter the labour market. In particular, for the purposes and learning outcomes of this degree programme, rapid employment in the chemical industry has been noted in the local area: basic chemistry (ceramics, construction materials), food processing, pharmaceutical industry, etc., in the following sectors: research laboratories; synthesis and development of new materials; production; quality control and analysis; technical and sales activities.
Basic training, along with the competences acquired in practical activities and fundamental laboratory operations, computer skills, ability to perform bibliographic research, all allow graduates to keep abreast of progress made in chemical technologies and in their professional activity.
Chemistry graduates may
- perform practical tasks in the laboratory,
- demonstrate the ability to select and use experimental methods, collecting and analysing data,
- they may perform quality control activities for industrial processes and products,
- they may manage simple and complex scientific instruments,
- they may also develop procedures for the "safe" management of work places and environments, above all focusing on health and the environment.

Educational goals

The reformed degree programme includes a broad curriculum of both common course units and core specialisations to complete the students' knowledge of chemistry. Any adaptation of the curriculum will consider both the development of the disciplines and new demands expressed by the labour market, as well as the evaluations expressed by the students. The specific learning outcomes were discussed and approved by the external stakeholders (Chemists' Association, Confindustria Modena – Reggio, etc.), which are now represented in the newly established Steering Committee (9 January 2015).
The effective employment potential of (1st cycle) graduates in Chemistry was measured from 2004. Since then a certain % of graduates have constantly decided not to continue studies to 2nd cycle level. As the number of students interested in employment after the three-year programme is constant, this proposed programme includes course units aiming also to provide vocational competences and skills, the contents of which were discussed with the external stakeholders (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tassi/Documenti/Downloads/99036344verbaleCdS_9_Gen%20(1).pdf). The total percentage of personal study and other individual learning activities is not less than 50%.
To achieve the priority learning outcomes the degree programme in Chemistry provides students with appropriate grounding in the following learning areas:
1) Basic sciences in FIS-MAT, providing solid grounding in mathematics and physics, which constitute an essential tool for understanding and developing interpretative models of physical phenomena, and for processing, interpreting and analysing other kinds of data;
2) Basic chemical sciences, providing knowledge of the fundamental principles, theories and models of chemistry of real systems (General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry), also developing the ability to handle, transform, synthesise, purify and analyse substances, and for correctly using the results of an experiment;
3) Core chemistry disciplines, for in-depth grounding in chemical sciences in a specific context, to provide knowledge and develop the fundamental skills in the core subject areas of class L-27: Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, to acquire skills useful for determining the physical and chemical properties of substances, and their characterisation using spectroscopic, chromatographic, electrochemical, magnetic and spectrometric techniques;
4) Complementary disciplines offering appropriate grounding in some subjects to provide other scientific and practical knowledge (area INF - FIS, etc.). In this area, the degree programme deemed it useful to include subjects already present in the basic and core areas, as the contents of some course units delivered in this area are deemed indispensable, to complete the overview of the above described subject areas, or to further study the topics covered in the above areas. Moreover, given the vocational features of the 1st cycle degree in Chemistry, and the rapid and continuous expansion of knowledge in these specific sectors, any updates of the contents of these courses will also be proposed.
However, the degree programme teaching regulations and the curriculum will allow those students who so desire to follow study plans including an appropriate number of credits in complementary subject areas to those covered by the core course units.
On the basis of the above-listed learning areas, the degree programme in Chemistry provides a solid cultural and methodological curriculum that can be customised by students seeking to enter the job market or aiming to continue their studies to 2nd cycle or 1st level master level.
For this purpose, the 1st cycle degree programme in Chemistry offers students the possibility to:
a) perform learning activities facilitating vocational choices through direct knowledge of the professional activities that can be accessed, through internships (9 ECTS);
b) acquire further knowledge and competences in specific areas of chemistry, through the choice of elective core course units.
As specified in A2.a, the professional profile deriving from the 4 above-described learning areas is that of Chemist for the design of simple operational methodologies for the characterisation of materials and the quality control of systems and processes, measuring, the use of software applications, the processing of experimental information.
Consistently with the European university qualification descriptors (Dublin Descriptors), the key learning outcomes of the Chemistry degree class and the above-listed specific learning outcomes, the 1st cycle degree programme in Chemistry leads to a qualification for those students who have achieved the expected learning outcomes in the 4 above-listed areas, and which are described in detail below, along with the list of learning activities included in the programme.

Communication skills

Future Chemistry graduates are required to be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences. They must also be able to convey the results of their activities in oral and written form, rationally, in their own language and in the English language, within their field of activity and in their professional relations.
They are able to interact with other people, cooperate and adapt to diversified topics and work environments.
Written and oral communication skills are assessed in the exams at the end of each course unit, the production of reports on laboratory activities, and the dissertation, presented and discussed before the graduation board.
Concerning communication skills in English, basic skills as laid down in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is made accessible by the delivery of the basic course, worth 3 ECTS. Other interpersonal skills may be acquired autonomously by the students in different ways, also using the services of the University Linguistic Centre (CLA), or taking part in Internationalisation Programmes (Erasmus, etc.) and student mobility.

Making Judgements

Future graduates in Chemistry are required to demonstrate the ability to gather and interpret data and information, demonstrating their personal skill in autonomously developing and expressing objective judgements. They are also required to understand the impact of the proposed solutions on the analysed problems, also referring to the repercussions on the socio-economic, chemical, physical and environmental context.
Therefore, 1st cycle Chemistry students will be able to compare and discuss experimental results obtained using different testing and measuring methods, drafting and orally presenting appropriate reports.
They are able to source and evaluate information, databases and chemical literature generally.
The ability to make judgements is assessed through:
- the assessment of course units in the personal study plan, - the assessment of the degree of autonomy and the ability to work in groups during the activities assigned for the preparation of the final examination.

Learning skills

Graduates will have developed learning skills allowing them to continue studies to 2nd cycle degree or 1st level master level.
The acquisition of these skills is assessed in each course unit, as students may be required to develop some knowledge on topics of specific interest to the course autonomously. Learning skills are assessed in the analysis of the students' academic career, the scores obtained in each exam, the time between the attendance of the course and the passing of the relative exam, the ability for self-learning developed during the activities undertaken for the final examination.

Knowledge and understanding

Know and understand the main concepts of mathematical analysis concerning functions, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, key concepts of linear algebra and Euclidean geometry.
- Know and understand the main concepts of classic physics, statics, dynamics and laws of motion

Know and understand the chemical structure of simple systems at atomic and molecular level;
- Know and understand the factors influencing chemical reactions;
- Know and understand the reactivity of gaseous systems and systems in solution;
- Know and understand the fundamental laws of Stoichiometry required to analyse the quantitative aspects of chemical reactions; - Know and understand the synthesis reactions of organic and inorganic substances and simple materials.

Know the fundamental physico-chemical properties and their determination,
- Know the theoretical aspects of experimental methodologies for determination of the properties and structures of substances and compounds,
- Know and understand the methodologies for measuring properties and expressing results, - Know the main qualitative and quantitative analytical methods for reporting on complex matrices,
- Know and understand the relations between properties - composition and structures;
- Know and understand the chemical transformations at solid, liquid and gas state, including the involved energy exchanges,

Know and understand the key concepts of electromagnetism and the laws of Maxwell.
- Know and understand the foundations of computing, the correct use of the most common data processing tools.
- Know the main concepts of operational research using pre-built databases, bibliographical research, for decision making problems and for optimising virtual and experimental laboratory operations.
- Know and understand the main biochemical processes underlying vital processes.
- Know and understand the interactions of substances and materials with the environment, the chemical processes in different environmental compartments, and the main pollution phenomena.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Be able to tackle and solve mathematical problems using the techniques of Mathematical Analysis, particularly functions with one or more real variables (study of function, maximum and minimum calculus, evaluation of integrals, resolution of differential equations and calculating potentials).
- Know how to solve linear algebra problems, using both a purely
geometric approach as well as numerical analysis.
- Be able to apply the fundamental equations of statics, dynamics and the laws of motion to real and multi-body systems.
- Be able to apply the fundamental equations of Newtonian optics to solve simple problems.

They can describe the atomic and molecular structure of substances in simple terms, applying the fundamental laws of the combination of atoms,
- They can describe the main basic chemical phenomena in simple terms;
- they can resolve stoichiometric problems,
- They can perform simple synthesis of chemical substances and materials,
- They can measure some fundamental physico-chemical properties, - They can describe the effects of the chemical changes of matter,
- they can draft a written report on an exercise conducted in the laboratory,
- they can classify substances and reject materials, spent solvents, processing residues, etc.

Students acquire the described knowledge, abilities and skills and can apply them, from lectures, alphanumeric exercises, practical laboratory experiences and the drafting of written reports on these activities.
The acquires knowledge and competences are assessed in oral exams, integrated by a written test on stoichiometry (for General and Inorganic Chemistry), or on subjects concerning the chemistry of carbon compounds (Organic Chemistry I), as well as written reports on the practical laboratory activities.

they can apply operational methodologies for the experimental determination of the most common extensive and intensive properties of real systems, including energy transfers,
- they can apply the laws and fundamental equations to determine the relationships between properties and composition,
- they can apply and identify the relationships between experimental and calculated physico-chemical properties and chemical composition;
- they can correctly calculate the fundamental properties in relation to the composition of a pure substance or mixture,
- they can draft a test report in a clear and linguistically correct manner, - they are able to work in simple or interdisciplinary groups and work with a sense of responsibility;
- they have project work skills applied to simple operational areas.

Be able to apply the foundations of classic electromagnetism, and Maxwell's equations, to correctly interpret the phenomena of integrated chemical sciences.
- Be able to use bibliographical and ICT instruments;
- Be able to use basic methodological tools to investigate the processes and transformations of biomolecules in living organisms.

Knowledge and interdisciplinary understanding is assessed in the exams of common course units and elective course units included in the students' personal study plan.