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Degree Programme

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3 years






"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering


Law: D.M. 270/2004
Department: "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering
Degree class: L-7 - Civil and environmental engineering
CFU: 180
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan

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Prerequisites for the admission.

To be eligible for enrollment in this degree program applicants must possess a high school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad that is recognized as equivalent and valid, as per applicable laws. Access to this program requires a good knowledge of written and spoken Italian, logical reasoning skills, the knowledge and ability to apply the main results of basic mathematics and foundations in experimental sciences. How required knowledge for access to the program will be assessed, as well as how additional learning requirements (known as OFAs) are dealt with, is described in detail in the Academic Regulations for this degree program.

Educational goals

The primary educational objective of the program is to provide graduates with an adequate command of general scientific methods and contents, enabling them to complete their training and develop design competencies in their subsequent training programs, and adapt to the rapid technological evolution that is typical of civil and environmental engineering and the sectors that they apply to. To achieve this primary educational objective, the program aims to provide its graduates with: a solid grounding in mathematics and other basic sciences, which constitute the essential tool to understanding, describing and solving engineering problems;a solid, founding engineering education: training in applied and geotechnical geology, hydraulic engineering, the science and technique of construction, geomatics, design, is required to design a noncomplex engineering project, and also to manage land conservation projects and provide informed interpretations of projects, which can include an assessment of the impact on the environment; in the environmentbased curricula: a broadspectrum preparation in the characterizing subjects of environmental and land engineering, to identify the environmental criticalities and the processes that induce them, and propose adequate actions, using uptodate technologies. They are given the tools to understand: the problem of pollution, problems of hydrogeological instability, the main techniques of wastewater treatment, waste management systems and the territorial importance of these issues; in the civil engineeringbased curricula: a broad spectrum preparation in subjects related to civil engineering, aimed at providing basic knowledge and skills in the following disciplines: the science and technology of construction, structural dynamics, computational mechanics, technical architecture and building production;in the industrial engineeringbased curricula: thermodynamics, heat transfer, the science and technology of materials; the contents of the main technical standards and foundations in law; knowledge of the most common tools used in analysis and detection, including mapping, as well as data processing and representation of the experimental results. Students have the opportunity to learn about about potential career paths handson through internships at companies or public or private bodies, or at university departments in applied research projects. A description of the programThe first two years are based on basic scientific subjects (mathematical analysis, geometry, physics, chemistry, computer science and rational mechanics), technical physics (in the first semester of the second year), and core courses pertaining to a foundation in engineering (hydraulics and hydraulic engineering, building science, geomatics). The chemistry laboratory module is associated with the environmental curriculum, while the civil engineering curriculum focuses on design and statics.

Communication skills

Graduates acquire the ability to describe articulately, in both oral and written form, the activities they have performed and the results they have obtained by thoroughly covering all information and imparting a full understanding, both within an organization or a work group as well as with external parties, of different cultural backgrounds or lower levels of education, who are involved in work processes and settings where public decisions are made. Graduates are able to write and interpret reports and internal technical standards relevant to their field; during their training they have acquired knowledge of relevant aspects of the responsibilities pertaining to the practice of engineering and the terminology to express themselves in these terms. Graduates acquire the ability to speak and write in English effectively, at a B1 level. Tests, either oral or, as required by some courses, in the form of papers and essays, documents in numerical form and those including drawings, completed either individually or with a group, all contribute to the acquisition of communication skills. The students' communication skills are assessed by their performance in the activities described above and the final examination.

Making Judgements

Graduates will acquire the ability to identify and solve problems of standard and mediumrange difficulty independently, using techniques, methods, tools and management systems in their field of training correctly and critically. Graduates know how to handle and interpret information to formulate technically consistent judgment independently; they know how to integrate their information with elements extracted from fields of study related or interacting with their own. Are able to assess the need to update their competencies. Graduates will acquire the ability to independently assess and compare various engineering solutions to a problem of limited complexity, and how they impact the environment in a social context. Independent thinking is developed mainly through activities performed in the core subjects, by presenting the primary methods of approach to the main problems in the sector and a critical analysis of possible solutions. Independent thinking is enhanced through laboratory activities, with a comparison of different analytical methods, knowledge of technical standards provided in numerous courses, the use of simple computational models, participation in group project activities, internships and preparation for the final examination. The acquisition of these competencies is tested through a series of oral examinations and written papers, as laid down by the curriculum, and the final examination.

Learning skills

Having acquired the knowledge and methodology used to explore the disciplines that are studied in the program, graduates develop the learning skills required to pursue their studies independently whether it be for subsequent study programs or for permanently updating their professional skills once they enter the work world. Their learning abilities can be enhanced through tutoring, training activities that partly performed independently (essays), and in the preparation of the final examination. These skills are tested through the evaluation of papers written by the students, course examinations and the final examination.

Knowledge and understanding

knowledge and understanding of the methodological and operational aspects of mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer sciences and other sciences that are fundamental to engineering:knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and applied aspects of the following core subjects for this class: the science and elements of structural engineering, hydraulics and hydraulic engineering, geotechnical engineering, geomatics, design;knowledge and understanding of the theory and a command of the methodological and operational aspects of the following core subjects in the environmental and land engineering curriculum:applied geology and geotechnical engineering, environmental and health engineering, hydrology, at a level of understanding developed through the use of manuals and textbooks in the field and by staying abreast of the main emerging issues; knowledge and understanding of the theory and a command of the methodological and operational aspects of the following core subjects in the civil engineering curriculum: Science and technology of construction, structural dynamics, technical architecture, building production, hydraulic engineering and has reached a level of knowledge that includes some advanced topics and issues related to these subjects;knowledge and understanding of the primary applications of environmental engineering that are the prevalent source of employment in the territory and distinguish the activities developed by agencies responsible for protecting the environment and service companies, the implementation of public and private projects and works, the work of the industries;knowledge and understanding of the aspects of solid mechanics and structures used to build structures and infrastructures of importance in terms of employment opportunities in the territory, and activities concerning the construction sector and the construction of civil works that are important for the territory;knowledge and understanding of regulatory and administrative, social and ethical frameworks pertinent to the profession of the engineer; The student acquires the above knowledge by participating in the theoretical and methodological courses of the curriculum, by talking with the teachers, completing exercises and personal study, which is all carried out individually and with the aid of tutors. Classes are taught in the form of lectures, tutorials and seminars. The level of the expected learning outcomes is assessed mainly through oral or written tests, which are evaluated with a mark, or a pass/fail criteria.

Applying knowledge and understanding

the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding of basic sciences and use the tools provided by their solid engineering education, including the field of industrial engineering, to interpret and describe related issues.