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Master Degree Course

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2 years






"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering


Law: D.M. 270/2004
Department: "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering
Degree class: LM-23 - Civil engineering
Degree interclass: LM-35 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio
CFU: 120
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan

More information

Prerequisites for the admission.

Access to the Master’s Degree Programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering requires one of the following qualifications obtained in an Italian university, or another qualification obtained abroad and deemed as equivalent: Three-year University Degree or Diploma, Specialist Degree or Master’s Degree, pursuant to MD 509/1999 or MD 270/2004, five-year Degree (previous to MD 509/1999).

The knowledge required for access are, in addition to those of basic scientific training (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science) typical of engineering, those characterised by Civil and Environmental Engineering, with reference to basic engineering training (hydraulics and hydraulic constructions, applied geology and geotechnics, construction science, design, construction technique, health-environmental engineering, geomatics, technical and thermodynamic physics, chemistry applied to materials).

Access requires at least 85 university credits gained overall in any university programme, in the following scientific disciplinary sectors: INF/01, ING-INF/05, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/07, MAT/08, MAT/09, SECS-S/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/07, FIS/01 , FIS/07 , BIO/07, GEO/05, ICAR/01, ICAR/02 , ICAR/03, ICAR/04, ICAR/05, ICAR/06, ICAR/07 , ICAR/08 , ICAR/09, ICAR/10, ICAR/11, ICAR/17, ICAR/20, ING-IND/10, ING-IND/11, ING-IND/25 ING-IND/35, and L-LIN/12.

Knowledge of English at a level of no less than B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required. If this requirement is not met, the required language skills must be acquired before obtaining the final qualification.

The division of university credits among the sectors listed above and the methods to assess the requirements are defined in detail in the Education Regulations of the Master’s Degree Programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering.

A Board set up for that purpose decides whether curricular integrations are needed and, where those requirements are not met, defines an individual integrating programme to be completed before the assessment of the student’s academic background. The Board then evaluates the appropriateness of the single student’s academic background based on specific procedures described in detail in the Education Regulations of the Master’s Degree Programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Skills associated with the function

Expert engineer on monitoring, environmental remediation and waste management issues
Sanitary-environmental engineering, geotechnics, hydraulic constructions, geomatics, chemistry, regional planning.

Engineering companies and professional studies, both independent or associated in interdisciplinary design groups. Public administration, bodies responsible for the protection of the territory. Concession holders, companies and consortia for the management and control of technological networks, Service and consulting enterprises and agencies.

Energy and technical physics, sanitary and environmental engineering, plant engineering, materials engineering.

Engineer with expertise in structural works, and in their production, management, organisation and maintenance

Structural engineering, geotechnics, hydraulic constructions, road infrastructure engineering, geomatics.

Engineering companies and professional studies, both independent or associated in interdisciplinary design groups. Public administration, bodies responsible for the protection of the territory. Concession holders, companies and consortia for the management and control of technological networks, Service and consulting enterprises and agencies.

Engineering of road and hydraulic infrastructure, geotechnics, geomatics, structural engineering.

Engineer with expertise in the planning, management and control of urban and territorial systems

Engineering of road and hydraulic infrastructure, economic management of works, environmental engineering.

Active researcher in engineering disciplines

The different learning/skills areas for the profiles listed above

Function in a work context

Expert engineer on monitoring, environmental remediation and waste management issues
Designer and coordinator of activities in the fields of planning and protection and environmental recovery; realises and manages systems of control, monitoring and detection of the environment and the territory, soil protection, study and evaluation of the impacts and environmental sustainability of plans and works. S/he also designs and manufactures innovative technologies and plants necessary for the actions of depollution and environmental remediation, also for the valorisation of waste energy, management, recovery and disposal.

Engineering companies and professional studies, both independent or associated in interdisciplinary design groups. Public administration, bodies responsible for the protection of the territory. Concession holders, companies and consortia for the management and control of technological networks, Service and consulting enterprises and agencies.

Designer and coordinator of activities in the fields of even innovative and sustainable technological and plant solutions to optimise energy management, with attention also to the valorisation of waste. It carries out energy audits and certifications of building and industrial structures, with particular regard to the issues of energy efficiency and use of renewable sources. S/he is able to design plants for energy production and use in residential, public and industrial buildings.

Engineer with expertise in structural works, and in their production, management, organisation and maintenance

Designer, director of works, tester and safety manager of residential buildings, industrial buildings, supporting works, foundations, etc. Responsible and production manager for the realisation of structural and infrastructural works of civil engineering.

Engineering companies and professional studies, both independent or associated in interdisciplinary design groups. Public administration, bodies responsible for the protection of the territory. Concession holders, companies and consortia for the management and control of technological networks, Service and consulting enterprises and agencies.

Engineering companies and professional studies, both independent or associated in interdisciplinary design groups. Public administration, bodies responsible for the protection of the territory. Concession holders, companies and consortia for the management and control of technological networks, Service and consulting enterprises and agencies.

Engineer with expertise in the planning, management and control of urban and territorial systems

Designer, coordinator and head of functions and services for the planning, management and control of urban and territorial systems.

Active researcher in engineering disciplines

S/he focuses on modelling environmental mechanisms and impact assessment and research of sustainable design solutions for the environment in the technological field; carries out experiments and research for new materials and technologies to create innovative and sustainable structures and solutions.

Educational goals

The main objective of the programme is to train master graduates to know how to apply advanced scientific and engineering content to the in-depth understanding of complex issues of civil and environmental engineering, which require an interdisciplinary approach.
The Master’s Degree Programme aims to train professionals to operate in the eco-friendly management of the environment and the territory and in the advanced design of structures and infrastructure. The programme prepares its master graduates to use advanced and innovative tools and methods in a skilful manner, and to adequately process the information obtained by them, in order to be able to contribute to decisions with representative indicators to guide the development of a highly industrialised area, in which the quality of the environment may be subject to serious problems, and the design, implementation, maintenance and management of facilities and infrastructure must be sustainable.
The programme aims to provide the design and modelling skills required for a systemic vision of solutions, to develop the assessment of plans and programmes of potential impact on the environment and to design and build civil structures and infrastructure, environmental, plant in compliance with the constraints of protection of the territory and the natural and built environment.
The programme is specifically intended to provide a broad interdisciplinary preparation, particularly aimed at learning environmental monitoring and modelling, environmental remediation and waste management, spatial planning and sustainable design, energy management, structural and infrastructural engineering and water resource engineering.


The training programme is organised based on the aforementioned objectives with half-yearly organisation and includes the teachings and other activities according to law 270/2004, for a total of 120 CFUs.
All learning areas contribute to the training of the skills necessary for the design of sustainable solutions; the area of environmental remediation and waste management is addressed mainly in the first year, the areas of environmental monitoring and modelling, spatial planning, energy management, are developed in the second year, and the areas of structural and infrastructural engineering and water management are addressed both in the first and the second year.
The programme can be divided into curricula that, while sharing different teachings in both distinctive and similar areas, privilege certain orientations.
These guidelines allow students to deepen the themes of sustainability of the natural and built environment (with content of environmental monitoring and modelling, environmental remediation, waste management, sustainable design, hydrology, seismic engineering, applied geomatics and precision survey, geotechnical prospecting) providing an adequate number of credits in SDS ICAR/02, ICAR/03, ICAR/06, ICAR/07, ICAR/09, ICAR/10, CHIM/07 and sustainable energy management (renewable sources, heat and power plants), inserting contents of SDS ING-IND/10 and ING-IND/22, or to further explore the design of structures and infrastructure (prevention of collapse of existing structures, seismic engineering, environmental remediation, hydraulic constructions), providing an adequate number of credits in SDS ICAR/02,ICAR/03, ICAR/06, ICAR/07, ICAR/08, ICAR/09 and also ING-IND/10 (thermotechnical plants) or even water management (hydrology, aqueducts and sewerage, river arrangements, dams and reservoirs, adaptation to climate change), providing an adequate number of credits in in the following SDS: ICAR/02,ICAR/03, ICAR/06, ICAR/07, ICAR/08, ICAR/09. Training activities are complemented with the financial management of projects.

Students can further address their study programme by deepening the scientific and technological themes of the learning areas of their interest through optional examinations, internships and the degree thesis. All training programmes meet the requirements of both classes, so students can choose in which class they want to obtain the master’s degree, and change their choice, provided that this becomes final at the time of enrolment in the second year of the master’s degree.

Communication skills

Master graduates must have effective and efficient communication skills, in written and oral form, so that they can share and disseminate their work, with completeness of information and full comprehensibility. These skills must enable them to communicate unambiguously with specialists and with partners from different cultural backgrounds or from a lower level of education, making them equally aware of their ideas and intentions.

Master graduates must be able to draw up and interpret reports and complex technical standards that can involve other sectors, in accordance with the terminology of ethics and professional ethics. Master graduates must be able to collaborate and communicate effectively both at national and international level.
For the development of communication skills, the teaching approach of the programme includes group activities related to practical exercises and the drafting of projects. Students will be encouraged to communicate, motivate and enhance, both within the working group and towards teachers, design choices or merit assessments. The communication skills acquired will be evaluated through the periodic checks of the papers/projects, and the written and oral exams. The master’s degree thesis, both in the drafting and presentation stage, is also an opportunity to verify the communication skills achieved.
The communication in English will be fostered by using texts and documents written in English.

Making Judgements

Master graduates must have the ability to plan and conduct investigations involving complex experimental phases, so they must know how to choose the techniques and methodologies most suitable for obtaining the maximum information useful for the research in progress, also studying the applicability of new technologies, focusing on the management of resources available for the survey, which must be used with criteria of economy and ethics.

Master graduates will have to develop the ability to design and evaluate alternative hypotheses, critically interpreting the results obtained from their own analyses, and draw appropriate conclusions. Master graduates must know how to interpret consciously and with critical evaluation indicators, parameters, graphic representations, maps and simulations obtained from experimental data, of which they must know how to estimate the significance, and know how to integrate and summarise the information and knowledge acquired and not always complete, identifying, in a complex and interdisciplinary context, the potential impacts on the environment and territory.
Master graduates must also be able to judge analytical, experimental and even design choices made by third parties, both in the strictly technical/scientific, regulatory and economic aspects, and in the ethical and sustainability ones.
The teaching approach will encourage, mainly through the practical exercise activities and the drafting of the projects, in a context of both individual and group work, the comparison between the alternatives and the proposal for a definitive solution.
They contribute to the achievement of the objective, in addition to the analysis of case studies presented in the various disciplines, mainly the internship activity, which is the closest to the professional reality, and that of preparation of the final examination. The achievement of the goal is mainly verified in the final test, during the discussion of the thesis.

Learning skills

Master graduates must have acquired learning skills that enable them to pursue their own in-depth study of work issues, ensuring the continuous updating of professional training, covering both scientific and technological innovation, and the aspects of the production system, the economy, and regulation.
This goal is achieved by acquiring the ability to study autonomously, not only when preparing the exams, but especially in the research activity and in the deepening of the topics concerning the final examination, and is mainly reflected in the contents of the thesis paper.