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Degree Programme

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3 years






Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences


Law: D.M. 270/2004
Department: Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
Degree class: L-34 - Earth sciences
CFU: 180
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan

More information

Prerequisites for the admission.

Admission to the degree programme in Geological Sciences (class L-34) is subject to the possession of a high-school diploma or equivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad and deemed valid pursuant to applicable legislation. To ensure a profitable study attendance, students need to have the knowledge and skills of upper secondary graduates, with specific reference to the preconditions required by teachings of Mathematics and Information Technology, General Chemistry, general Physics and general Geology with Field Activities, that are published yearly on the University and Degree Programme website. A basic knowledge of the English language is also required.
The modalities for assessing the required knowledge and the criteria for assigning specific supplementary training obligations are set in the detailed education regulation of the Degree Programme and published once a year on the websites of the University, the Department, and the Degree Programme.
To students showing deficiencies in their background preparation and who do not pass the entry tests, the Interclass Board may indicate specific activities and relevant modalities for recovery and support. They are expected to pass the supplementary training obligation (OFA) within the first year of the study programme.

Skills associated with the function

GENERAL - Class L-34 graduates will acquire sound and specific skills and abilities to successfully continue their master-degree studies, and in particular those of class LM-74 (geological sciences and technologies). With proper integrations, graduate of this degree programme will also be able to access and attend master’s degree programmes belonging to the following classes: LM60-(Science of Nature), LM-75 (Science and technology for the environment and the territory), and LM-79 (Geophysical science). At the end of the study programme, graduates will also be able to access various types of university vocational master programmes, and in particular those overall and generically relating to “Earth Science”. From a professional perspective, the markedly training characteristic and the sound preparation in the field of Geological Sciences provided by the Degree Programme may enable graduates to apply for various job offers in various public and private sectors, where a specific and high-qualified preparation is not requested (technical sector). Graduates will also be able to find a consistent and direct job opportunity in the field of self profession as governed by Pres. Decree 328/2001 that allow bachelor graduates to enrol into a specific national register with the qualification of “Junior Geologist” upon passing a state examination.
To the purpose of carrying out the functions described above, specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the technical and scientific field are essential. A higher specialisation and further development in one or multiple professionalization sectors may be required.
In addition to self-learning and continuous update skills , graduates will be require to have adequate cross-functional skills in terms of communication and relationships, organisation and management, and planning, based on the level of autonomy and responsibility assigned, with organisational and working modes adopted and with the main counterparties (colleagues, other professionals and clients/users).
In details, three-year graduates develop skills that are useful to the activities of acquisition and representation of countryside and laboratory data, by means of direct and indirect methods such as:
1. surveying and drawing basic geologic and thematic cartographies also represented via the "Geographic Information System" (GIS);
2. surveying the elements that help identifying the geological and environmental hazard in order to mitigate the risks, including any relevant coordination of technical and management structures;
3. carrying out geognostic surveys and the exploring the subsoil, also through geophysical methods, aimed to prepare technical and geological reports;
4. retrieving and assessing the georesources, including the hydric ones;
5. assessing and preventing the deterioration of cultural and environmental assets, as regards the geological aspects;
6. making geological and geological and technical surveys aimed to the preparation of urban and territorial planning tools;
7. studying the environmental impact for the Environmental Impact Assessment as regards the geological aspects;
8. making geodetic, topographic, oceanographic, and atmospheric surveys, including the reliefs and the distinctive meteorological parameters and the dynamics of the coasts;
9. analysing geologic materials;
10. carrying out geopedological surveys and their relevant cartographic representation;
11. carrying out the function of Director, responsible for extraction activities with a small number of people assigned (pursuant to the law);
12. carrying out surveys and palaeontological, petrographic, , sedimentological, geopedological, and geotechnical research;
13. carrying out mineralogical chemical-physical surveys by using microscopic, spectroscopic, and statistical techniques for characterising natural materials, synthesis and industrial products.

Function in a work context

GENERAL - Class L-34 graduates will acquire sound and specific skills and abilities to successfully continue their master-degree studies, and in particular those of class LM-74 (geological sciences and technologies). With proper integrations, graduate of this degree programme will also be able to access and attend master’s degree programmes belonging to the following classes: LM60-(Science of Nature), LM-75 (Science and technology for the environment and the territory), and LM-79 (Geophysical science). At the end of the study programme, graduates will also be able to access various types of university vocational master programmes, and in particular those overall and generically relating to “Earth Science”. From a professional perspective, the markedly training characteristic and the sound preparation in the field of Geological Sciences provided by the Degree Programme may enable graduates to apply for various job offers in various public and private sectors, where a specific and high-qualified preparation is not requested (technical sector). Graduates will also be able to find a consistent and direct job opportunity in the field of self profession as governed by Pres. Decree 328/2001 that allow bachelor graduates to enrol into a specific national register with the qualification of “Junior Geologist” upon passing a state examination.
Three-year graduates in Geological Sciences carry out functions as high qualified technician in the field of or within the limits of general directives, usually with decisional power and operating autonomy for achieving the specific objectives required. More specifically, graduates in Biological Sciences:
- help relieving and drawing basic geological, geomorphological and thematic maps;
- help the geognostic surveys and the exploration of the subsoil, also through geophysical methods, aimed to collect and assess the georesources and mitigate risks;
- collaborate to the analyses of geologic materials;
- carry out surveys and palaeontological, petrographic, mineralogical, sedimentological, and geotechnical research;
- interpret the meaning of data deriving from the laboratory observations and measurements and bring them together with appropriate theories;
- know and understand facts, concepts, essential principles and theories relating to the area of Earth Sciences;
- help assessing, interpreting, and summarising geological information and data;
- assist specialists in research activity;
- carry out the task of site geologists.

Educational goals

The main specific training objective of the Degree Programme in Geological Sciences established at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the class of bachelor’s degrees in Geological Sciences is to provide a sound geological preparation that allows graduates to effectively continue their university master’s studies and, secondly, to provide knowledge and basic operating and cognitive tools, useful to a potential access to the job market.
The study path of the programme is one, divided in the first year in which knowledge and skills relating to the scientific preparatory subjects (mathematics, information technology, chemistry, physics) are provided together with language skills (English) and basic and general knowledge and skills in the field of Geoscience (general geology, physical geology, and cartography). In the second part of the first year and in the following years, knowledge/skills and specific practical and distinctive abilities relating to the various sectors of Geosciences (palaeontology, mineralogy, stratigraphic geology and sedimentology, structural geology, geomorphology, petrography, geochemistry, geophysics, applied geology) are provided. In the third year, activities are also provided (internship/traineeship) aimed at acquiring contacts and knowledge with professional, manufacturing or management working realities at local, national, or international level.
At the end of the study programme described above, graduates will reach the specific training objectives and will:
- possess basic scientific and general knowledge;
- show a wide knowledge and understanding of the main essential characteristics of the processes, the history, and the materials of the Earth System;
- be able to recognise the applications and the responsibilities of the Earth Sciences and their role in the society;
- be able to independently analyse, on the field and in laboratory, the terrestrial materials and describe, analyse, document and report the results;
- be able to think using a wide space and time scale perspective;
- be able to apply simple quantitative methods to the analysis of terrestrial systems;
- show a suitable knowledge of other subjects that are relevant for Earth Sciences;
- be able to work both individually and in a team;
- know the essential principles of the scientific method;
- know the basic principles of the Geologist profession
- be able to make oral and written communications in Italian;
- know and apply in a correct manner the grammar and syntactical rules of the English language (B1) with in-depth studies on terminology and geological and geotechnical lexicon;
- show basic abilities in making calculations and using IT tools;
- be able to manage information;
- be aware of security issues;
- possess the ability to report Earth Science topics to other sectors of the society;
- be aware of the importance of permanent training.

A table correlating training objectives, learning results expected and training activities is available on the Degree Programme website.

Communication skills

Students shall prove their ability to:
- present objectives, concepts, data and work procedures or experimental analysis in a logical, concise, and rigorous way, in various forms and by using different tools;
- dialogue and relate with a range of speakers (audience, scientific community, technicians, customers, administrators, etc...)
- understand texts, even geological specific, and write short texts in English;
- use IT tools to collect and disseminate data, information, and results.

Assessment tools
Communication skills will be assessed as follows:
- by evaluating the clarity of speech and the appropriate language used in the answers given during the oral examinations and written tests, also in English if required;
- by assessing the presentations of specific topics and of posters or papers, also by means of IT tool, prepared during or at the end of the training activities;
- by evaluating the style and the quality of the presentation of the thesis related to the final examination of the programme.

Making Judgements

Students shall prove their ability to:
- compare and evaluate the sources and the substance of the information received by various sources (texts, numbers, verbal, and graphic) and answer them;
- formulate opinions and specific evaluations on different geological issues;
- take into account and respect the points of view and the opinions of other members of a work team;
- evaluate the results of their own and other people’s work in terms of quality and efficiency;
- identify objectives and collective and individual responsibilities;
- recognise and correctly evaluate personal risks and risks towards other people or objects involved in carrying out activities connected with Geological Sciences and relevant applications;
- adopt behaviours and procedures, and use appropriate tools and equipment to limit own and others’ risks
- act accordingly in an appropriate manner to their role.

Assessment tools
The level of independent judgement will be assessed through the development and the analysis of exemplary cases, short essays, written notes or reports on specific topics, and the evaluation of the dissertation work relating to the programme’s final examination.

Learning skills

Students shall prove their ability to:
- commit to an adaptable and flexible approach to study and work;
- be able to carry out studies on the experimental scientific method (i.e. be able to observe, formulate hypotheses, carry out investigations, trials, experiments to verify the hypotheses, measure up with the previous studies and draw conclusions).
- identify paths of continuous technical and cultural personal upgrade, based on their own professional and career ambitions, and set objectives accordingly.

Assessment tools
The learning skills will be assessed through the evaluation of the internship activities carried out, and of the activities involved in preparing, executing and drafting the thesis work associated with the final examination of the programme.