The PhD course, in each of the 3 curricula in which it is articulated (e-Teaching & e-Learning, ETEL; Technolog En Enhanced Learning & Advanced Technologies for Education, TEL-ATE; Ne Lit Literacies & Digital Citizenship, NELIT), intends to enhance the development of interdisciplinary knowledge (pedagogical, psychological, statistical, IT, technological, engineering, legal, philosophical and social) and skills of analysis, research, design, technical application that make available to PhD students numerous employment opportunities referring to highly specialized contexts in the educational field, in the technological field or in the areas on the border between the two sectors, such as Digital Education, Technolog En, artificial Intelligence in Education. In particular, the latter areas that draw on knowledge and perspectives from several fields of investigation represents the most desirable field of use for the application of innovative solutions, design experiences, research skills acquired during the training course.
The main professional outlets include:
- research in the field of education, training and technology in public and private bodies;
- product development in training companies, in the creative industry and in edutainment;
- instructional Design in industrial contexts and in public and private contexts;
- research on the development of technologies in the socio-health field in IRCCS, public and/or private bodies;
- teaching in school, academic and business contexts of professionals and trainers on didactic innovation, education technology;
- the design of calls for funding for research, progress and digital and technological innovation.