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Marco Biagi Department of Economics



Foro Boario 
via Jacopo Berengario, 51 
41121 - Modena 
tel. 059 205 6711 


Prof. Tommaso Fabbri




The "Marco Biagi" Department of Economics (DEMB) was established, like the other Departments of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in 2012 (Rector's Decree no. 35/2012 effective 30/06/2012) but has its roots in the consolidated history of the Faculty of Economics, established in 1968. The University's reorganisation process, implemented pursuant to Law 240/2010 and subsequent implementation decrees, has led to the integration of the management of the Faculty's teaching activities with the research activities of its related Departments (Department of Business Economics and Department of Political Economy). The Department, with its teaching and research activities, aims to be a point of reference for an area that boasts excellence both from an entrepreneurial and institutional point of view. It aims to provide its students, with its educational offerings ranging from Bachelor's to PhD courses, with the transversal skills to operate in an economic, regional and national context in which local and international contexts complement each other. The DEMB, with its well-established research activities, wants to contribute to the formulation of local and national economic policies and participate in the economic debate as a whole. From a more general point of view, in its teaching and scientific activities, it aims to promote the culture of active citizenship.