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Department of Life Sciences




Campus Scientifico 
via Giuseppe Campi, 287 
41125 - Modena


Prof. Lorena Rebecchi



In European strategies, the Life Sciences are the building blocks for the development of a sustainable economy that looks to the future by creating new opportunities for society in the health, agri-food, chemical, pharmaceutical and environmental protection sectors. The ever-improving knowledge of living organisms and ecosystems continues to be the driving force behind new disciplines (genomics, bioinformatics and bioengineering) leading to the development of innovative applications (genetic testing, regeneration of human organs and tissues molecular markers for the assisted genetic improvement of plants and animals, therapeutic strategies based on the delivery of target drugs), on the other hand they open up towards the valorisation and transfer of knowledge and technologies in strategic fields of action also for the legal and economic sphere (BioLaw and BioEconomy). In the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the Department of Life Sciences coordinates the research lines and training activities related to the Life Sciences in a single scientific-didactic organisational structure, harmonising, in a perspective of synergies and continuous interactions, the cultural and training activities that concern both the study of living organisms and their components, at all levels of complexity and organisation, and the interventions that, in compliance with ethical values, aim to modify and optimise them to achieve fundamental objectives for society: health, environment and development.