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No Tax Area Exemption and Reduction - ISEE No Tax Area Exemption and Reduction - ISEE


It is possible to request an exemption or reduction of tuition fees based on the 2024 ISEE (Indicator of the Equivalent Financial Situation) by submitting an online application within the terms and deadlines specified in the call for application.

The prerequisite for the exemption from university contributions is an ISEE certificate up to €27,000, while the reduction of tuition fees is possible with an ISEE certificate up to €45,000.

You can access the NO TAX AREA exemption if you have:

  • An ISEE certificate up to €27,000.
  • Merit requirements (for students enrolled in years following the first).

The NO TAX AREA exemption involves only the annual payment of the regional tax, stamp duty, and insurance for a total of €159.67. Additional insurance coverage (e.g., for medical negligence or contagion risk) is provided for specific degree programmes.

First year

For those enrolling in the first year, the only prerequisite is to have an ISEE up to €27,000, without any merit requirements. To obtain the exemption, it must be submitted an online application on the Er.Go website within the deadlines specified in the 2024-2025 call for benefits.

Years Following the First

For students enrolling in years following the first, in addition to having an ISEE up to €27,000, the following merit requirements must be met:

  • For those enrolled in the second year in 2024-2025, 10 CFU (University Educational Credits) must be earned during the period from 11.08.2023 to 10.08.2024.
  • For those enrolled in years following the second in 2024-2025, 25 CFU must be earned during the period from 11.08.2023 to 10.08.2024.

If the required CFU are not earned, it is advised to still apply for the exemption, which allows students to fall into the "In corso senza merito" (regular students without merit requirements) category. 

Students belonging to this category, who have been enrolled at the university for a number of academic years equal to or less than the standard duration of the degree programme (increased by one), and who have not obtained the required university credits, must pay a fixed charge of €159.67, plus a minimum contribution of €500,00 for a total of €659.67.

Repeating Students (“Fuori corso”)

To obtain the NO TAX AREA exemption, in addition to having an ISEE up to €27,000, the following merit requirements must be met for repeating students:

  • For those enrolled in years following the second in 2024-2025, 25 CFU must be earned during the period from 11.08.2023 to 10.08.2024.

If the required CFU are not earned, it is advised to still apply for the exemption, which allows students to fall into one of the following categories:

  • Fuori corso con merito” (repeating students with merit requirements): students who have been enrolled at the university for a number of academic years higher than the standard duration of the degree programme (increased by one), and who have obtained the required credits, must pay a fixed charge of €159.67, plus a minimum contribution of €200, for a total of €359.67.
  • Fuori corso senza merito” (repeating students without merit requirements): students who have been enrolled at the university for a number of academic years higher than the standard duration of the degree course (increased by one), and who have not obtained the required credits, must pay a fixed charge of €159.67, plus a minimum contribution of €700, for a total of €859.67.

You can access the tuition fees reduction with an ISEE above €27,000 and up to €45,000. By submitting an online application, the university contribution can be calculated progressively and be differentiated according to the typology of degree programme and its enrolment procedures, with rate brackets based on equity, gradualness, and progressivity criteria.

No reduction is available if the ISEE exceeds €45,000.

Benefits can be accessed exclusively by submitting an online application on the Er.Go website.
Cards cliccabili
Are you a financially independent student? Click here

You can access the NO TAX AREA exemption or tuition fees reduction exclusively by submitting an online application on the Er.Go website starting from July 2024. 

Application deadlines are:

All students  

November 6, 2024, 3:00 PM

First-year students of:
-Master's degree programmes
-Medical specialization schools

December 20, 2024, 3:00 PM

To submit the application, a digital identity (SPID), an electronic identity card (CIE), or a national service card (CNS) is needed.

The online application can also be submitted before enrollment, even for degree programmes with limited access.

 The online application submission implies the participation in a call for application.

 Here are some guidelines on the main steps of the procedure; all dates and rules are detailed in the call for application.

The online application consists of three modules that must be filled in:

  1. Personal Data Module
  2. Economic Data Module
  3. No Tax Area Module

After completing each module, you will receive a protocol notification. Only the third and final notification of the No Tax Area module confirms the final submission.

Once the application procedure is concluded, Er.Go (the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education) notifies the ISEE value to the university. UNIMORE applies the tuition fees reduction on the basis of the declared information, updating the installments on Esse3.

In case of doubts about the installment amounts, it is possible to use the tuition fees calculator.

The procedure status (online application modules, rankings, results) is available in the user dossier. The confirmation of the correct completion of the procedure is made official through three rankings published during the academic year: the provisional, the pre-final, and the final one.

The purpose of these rankings is to make the results accessible to all applicants; with this publication, Er.Go and UNIMORE consider their communication duty fulfilled and will not send personal notifications.

During the academic year, Er.Go and UNIMORE check every student position, so it is important to know how to use the user dossier tool. In cases of discrepancies, inaccurate information, or missing documents, Er.Go will contact the applicant through the user dossier.

If you need to get in touch with Er.Go, the "SCRIVI" section of the user dossier is the right place to receive targeted advice.

If you need to get in touch with Er.Go, the "SCRIVI" section of the user dossier is the right place to receive targeted advice.

2024 ISEE certificate for financial aid for the Right to Higher Education 

To apply for the NO TAX AREA exemption or tuition fees reduction, the 2024 ISEE certificate for financial aid for the right to higher education is required.

The ISEE certificate can be requested from INPS (the National Institute for Social Security), C.A.F. (Tax Assistance Centres) or the Municipality. Once your economic condition has been determined with the ISEE 2024 indicator, it is possible to submit an online application to request a NO TAX AREA exemption, a reduction of tuition fees or benefits/services provided for the right to study (e.g. scholarship).

The ISEE certificate is not immediately available, so it is recommended to apply for it in time to meet the deadlines and to verify that it is the one issued for financial benefits for the right to higher education.

Students not Residing in the Family Unit of Origin

Students residing outside the family unit of origin must ensure that they meet the requirements set by the regulations. It is advised to consult a tax assistance centre (C.A.F) or a professional in the financial field. The page dedicated to independent students outlines the exact requirements.

Current ISEE

The application to request benefits for the 2024-2025 academic year at may also be submitted using the current ISEE, which allows to update the ISEE value of students for whom the employment or economic situation in their household has worsened compared to the previous two years (i.e. the reference for the ordinary ISEE). 

In order to be eligible for the current ISEE certificate issuance, there must have occurred:

 - a change in self-employment or employment activity (or in welfare and social security benefits or allowances, including those exempt from IRPEF), 

- a change in the total income of the household by more than 25%. 

To issue the Current ISEE, these documents are needed:

 - the ordinary ISEE 

- certification/documentation proving the change in the employment status (letter of dismissal, closing of VAT number, etc.) or conditions (communication with date and type of change).

For further information, consult the Guide to ISEE 2024 edited by ER.GO. It is also advised to contact a C.A.F. for up-to-date regulations.

Er.Go Assistance Service

Er.Go is the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education in Emilia Romagna, responsible for collecting and managing online applications for benefits (exemptions, scholarships, student collaborations, etc.).

In case of problems during the application process, please contact Er.Go for assistance.

The deadlines and amounts of university contribution vary depending on the type of degree programme and the year of enrollment; further information is available on the Tuition Fees page. 

Students can find the fee amounts by logging into the Esse3 portal under the section “Taxes” or by the UNIMORE App. This way, it is possible to access the pagoPA circuit to proceed with the payment. The university contributions are determined as a single comprehensive fee amount for the academic year, usually divided into four installments. In case of NO TAX AREA exemption or tuition fees reduction, the number of installments may be lower.

Installment Amounts Calculation

The installment amounts for university contribution are automatically generated by the calculation system and are available on the personal Esse3 page. For regular students, subsequent installments become visible once the first installment is paid. 

Repeating students or enrolled in the first year of a master's degree programme will see the first and second installments simultaneously about a month before the payment deadline, which is the same for the first two ones. Students with an irregular administrative position related to previous academic years must get in touch with the Student office for regularization. For these students, the installments for the current year are not automatically generated.

For more information

Office for Student Benefits and Right to Study 
Timetables and Contacts